Sunday, April 22, 2007

i'll be the switch he turns on, i'll be his too--i'll get off. i'll be the fuse that he blows, and even with the lights off we'll glow.

let's have a little discussion about embarrassing, shall we?

boytoy...whom i suppose i should refer to as my boyfriend but i'm not too keen on doing so and thus boytoy he shall remain...

right, so boytoy and i, we've been in a bit of a rough patch. it's to be expected when you have two people who are staunch commitment-phobes, and, of course, leave it to me to go for the guy who's never been in any form of a real relationship that's lasted past a few, yes...i was expecting a bumpy road. said bumpy road came to a head on thursday night, and i think we're attempting to partake in what is dubbed the "smooth sailing" portion of our april. he will attempt to deviate slightly from the "i'll do what i want, when i want" ideology, and i got the verbage i needed that signaled to my little feeble female mind that this is a bit more than casual and some pretty fuckin sweet sex.

regardless, i agreed to help him build his boat's trailer on friday, being the total fucking spineless fuck i am who constantly feels guilty for making people feel less than bomb-ass even when there was nothing really wrong with what happened/was done on my part... i decided it would be a great idea to do something special.

what was that something special, i hear you ask?

well! let me tell you.

it involved me, my louis vuitton raincoat, and a picnic basket of food.

yup. smart little me decided to wear nothing more than a raincoat and stilettos over to see him [sorry, but the idea of having sex on his desk was just too good to pass up, and i brought clothes to put on afterwards so i could get to painting and pneumatic tool operation], and bring him a tasty din-din.

not really a big deal, and i didn't think it was either...i thought it was a cute little thing to do...especially given the amount of "discussing" we've done in the past few, i implemented my idea without thinking of any possible repercussions.

yup, i got blessed with a quaint little sobriety checkpoint on the way to his office...yup, my raincoat was barely covering my cooter up. [thank god i shaved..phew]..yup, the cop noticed that fact very quickly...and face was the most violent hue of red a human can turn.

i did pass the sobriety test with flying colors...and the cop winked at me with a sort of. psycho-stalker smirk and said "you have one very lucky boyfriend" before he let me pass...but jesus christ, talk about fucking embarassing.

thus, i advise you all: if you want to surprise your man/woman/it/thing with a little sumthin' sumthin and that sumthin' sumthin' requires you to have nothing more than a single layer of clothing separating you in all your nekkid glory from the rest of the sure to check and make sure there are no mandatory police stops on your merry way, and if there are--eschew, eschew, eschew.

my silver lining, at least, is that we did it on his desk, in the office kitchen, on one of the warehouse work tables, and then again before bed. shaaaawing!


Anonymous said...


da buttah said...

don't laugh at me!

that was fucking embarassing as ALL hell!

Anonymous said...

I am so deprived here in MD....

Anonymous said...

What was embarassing about it? Funny yes. I would willingly show my goods to a police officer if it meant I got to have sex 4 times in a day. Hell, it's going to be a LONG time before I get to do it just once.

ATLLG said...

classic! I noticed nothing was mentioned about the food or the man work to be done afterwards...

which is great cause what happened was exactly was SHOULD have happened and nothing else...

"you have one very lucky boyfriend"

da buttah said...

Wes: lakehouse..i'll show up with a basket of some bomb ass salad, and of course the rain coat.

Chris: ahh to be young again, huh? ;) i think he thinks i'm trying to kill him, or at least drain him of all bodily fluids...

Atl: oh, we ate and we did work too...but that's not interesting, is it? although, apparently watching a girl use power tools does wonders for the male libido.

Atomic Fireballs said...

You dirty, dirty girl. I'm so...proud.

Natalia said...

Nice cop! :)

And you totally rock as a girlfriend. That's a million men's fantasy.



da buttah said...

Balls: i figured you'd be proud ;)

Nat: yea, nice cop indeed. he had to be nice, he was getting a free cooter look. i try on the girlfriend front, i really do..just hope he thinks i rock =0)

kathi said...

This was hysterical, seriously funny. I'm sure it wasn't at the time for you, but what a great story to tell!
Thanks for sharing!

Matt Vella said...

haha, busted!

nice job on the surprise, that's the kind of stuff guys wish for but never really say anything about (and therefore rarely get).

sassinak said...


i don't know where to start... first i'm glad to hear you sounding better cause you weren't sounding good and i'm even gladder to hear that you're daring to date again.

do try to tell him what you think when you're upset at least a little okay?

and finally?
oh man
oh man
what an awesome tale and i'm so fucking glad you told us!


Anonymous said...

What!? No pictures of this "raincoat" Come on. I must say though, that I am totally jealous.

Anonymous said...

I got luv twice in one week. Damn, I feel special....

Spyder said...

Great blog!

Years ago, I picked up my then boytoy at the bus station in heels & a trench coat. We're happily married 21 years now. I still keep him guessing. That's probably why it's lasted this long.

Blackjack Players said...

It is remarkable, it is the amusing answer