Monday, February 05, 2007

you're not strong enough to fix me, you're too weak to be my cure, oh darling it gets better-you're living your murder

i'm sure some of you are wondering what's going on with me..and honestly, it's not the most horrible of's just one of those difficult things

basically my grandfather has liver failure, and he has for nearly the past twelve years and things are starting to reach critical, so-to-speak. they found a large tumor on his liver which is, coincidently, bleeding. so, basically, he's bleeding out...slowly but surely. he was in the icu all last week, and he was transferred to a more apt hospital a few days ago. he's not in pain or anything...and other than the fact he wants to go home, he's doing pretty well...

still, it's never good when reality smacks you across the face with something as banal and inherent as human frailty, the human condition, and the selfless yet selfish heartache associated with the inevitability of loss.

anyway, i wasn't sure if i'd be going to florida last week or not, especially since my brother said my grandfather has a month left...and i'm not sure when i will have to make the trek down there to see him prior to receiving another education on, i'm pretty much laying low and finishing up all my work immediately after i get it.

in somewhat good news, he seems like he's ready to be reunited with my his own words.."it's time."

anyway..onto something a tad bit more say...ohh, i don't know...yea i really have nothing. i have to be up at the ass crack of dawn so i can go to court and contest a ticket i never got at eight in the fucking morning. lets hope i'm home in time to go to the gym. my fat ass could use it.

before i go though...i'd like to say YAY COLTS! and let y'all know that i want this car:


Anonymous said...


We all have to face the grandparent thing at some point I guess, and when my mom's parents go, I'll need to find strength somewhere as that will be hell. Hang in there, hun.

flounder said...

So how many mornings would you need to get up early to contest tickets if you had that car?

And what if it rains?

Natalia said...

I so forgot that the super bowl was even on :)


ThatGuy said...

Go Colts!

I lost both of my grandfathers within just over a year a while back. I feel for you and wish you the best.

KJ said...

I have lost both grandfathers.....

life has a way of reminding you that it's short when you least expect it.

I'm sorry you're having to go through this.