Tuesday, August 22, 2006

the ultimate defense is to pretend. the only other option is to forget. it feels like you've never been alive. to los all you have to do is lie.

wooooo, first day of class! and let me just say:

i'm so not fucking happy to be back.

i didn't miss my fellow asshole peers, i didn't miss the insane amounts of reading we are expected to finish for class, and should the professor get sidetracked or fall behind..well we get to read it on our own because it will be on the exam. i really didn't miss having to act like i'm paying attention to professors or like i even know what the fuck he's talking about, and i especially didn't miss the feeling of watching everyone who walked in the room and with the recognition of some faces watching my grade slip away thanks to that lovely automatic bell curve.

fuckin' a...somebody put me out of my fucking misery.

i did skip my morning class...mostly because my hip blows and it was five in the morning before i just couldn't take it anymore and i opted to take some pain killers. so yea...

me and my non-existent drug tolerance
+ vicadin

i was passed out fucking cold until eleven this morning,

and only then i woke up because my cat was actually trying
to lay down on my face

thus, making it to white collar crime at 8am was pretty much a no-go the minute i turned into a giant pussy and popped a half a pill with some water. oops. but, i did make it to secured transactions and of course my nerdy dorky self absolutely loves the material. why? because no one in their right mind and with an ounce of sanity would go coo-coo for security interests, and seeing as i lack any form of a mind and/or sanity, i'm loving it.

i am in a bit of a shitty situation...i'm currently taking five law classes and four accounting classes...and even me, with my masochistic ways, is thinking that the current set-up may be a bit too much to handle, especially if i do want any form of a social life...which i need to get poppin' if i'm gonna get me a hubby anytime this century (gotst o make momma and pappy happy)....so, i think i may do the unthinkable.

i may just admit i suck, and drop a class. i suck almost as much as this post does. so why not make it a full suck-fest and do a meme that the lovely robynb did.

my ten names

Myspace Codes, Myspace Graphics
1. your rock star name: (first pet and current street name)
niko euclid. dear god that's fucking gay.

2. your movie star name: (grandfather/grandmother on your mom's side, your favorite candy)
sonia reeses

3. your fly girl/guy name: (first initial of first name, first two or three letters of your last name)
e idel

4. your detective name: (favorite color, favorite animal)
black duck billed platypus. yea, no one is going to hire me....

5. your soap opera name: (middle name, city where you were born)
julia boston

6. your star wars name: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name, first 3 letters of mom's maiden name and first 3 letters of the town you grew up in):
ideelmosbroo. say that ten times fast!

7. super hero name:("The", your favorite color, favorite soda)
the black coke (what? i know i took out the diet part of the soda...shut it!)

8. nascar name:(the first name of both your grandfathers)
avner soma.

9. futuristic name: ( the name of your favorite perfume/cologne and the name of your favorite shoes)
cashmere blahnik...oh that's fuckin hot!

10.witness protection name:( mother/father's middle name and the next name you hear on the tv/radio...
ana chester

there you go. shit you shouldn't have wasted your time reading but in all probability did because it still beats doing anything work related. cheers!

oh, and before i forget...i have a heat rash. i look like a speckled egg...it's fuckin awesome!


Anonymous said...

I can't decide on which one I like better.... "fellow asshole peers" or "niko euclid".

Oolong T said...

i bet your really sexy with that rash...no, really, i bet you totally are. totes.

Oolong T said...


you're. not your. shoot me already.

DZER said...

dear cashmere:

avner soma is such a cool name ... but not for NASCAR ... better for Formula 1!

your names are funner than mine LOL

KJ said...

I like the futuristic name the best

Knight said...

You're taking Secured Trasactions!!! HA!!!

We had the professor from hell for Secured... he tuaght the class as if we all wanted to really learn it, not just as a bar exam requirement.

The final was so freak'n hard, we wanted to dig up White & Summers and see if they could figure out that thing!!!

When I handed in my Blue Book, I asked if the applications for bartender school were available outside... (I got a B)

flounder said...

An 8am class?

Are you a freshman or something?


Armani Red Wing

Scumbag said...

bullshit it's a heat rash. yer herpes flared up again didn't they?

da buttah said...

Wes: niko euclid sounds like some kind of species of protist, doesn't it?

Dude: oh the rash is so working for me. nothing says "do me" like looking like a speckled egg. word.

Dzer: my names suck though! avner soma sounds like some kind of medicine for sleep aid, doesn't it?

Kristen: me too! think it has porn appeal

Knight: i had my secured transactions professor for commercial law, and he actually was one of the people who helped draft the UCC, so he's all up in that shit. but he's a good prof, and i actually find the shit interesting (probably because it's not a very litigious area of law, and i hate litigation and reading cases), so i'm super stoked! i'm mostly worried about estates and trusts...and the only reason i'm worried is because it's a requisite class so the bell curve has to apply. i think i'm going to drop that class though =0P

Flounder: oh no, in undergrad i had 7:30am class. yay bio! and i am back in junior high because if you miss more than four classes they drop you from the class roster and the professor can choose to just give you an automatic "F," even if you go to every class except..say? five.

Shane: what can i say? they love you and miss you. come back to the herpes shane. come back!

flounder said...

I absolutely love your new profile picture. It very, VERY hot.

Everything Nice said...

Dear Ana Chester,

Remember me? I'm that shit head you narc'd on during that grand jury case back in 1992. Well I want you to know I'm out... and I'm ready to find you for some revenge style mexican food to help with that heat rash.

It's only a matter of time now,

ChristineJay Harold

Trouble said...

You're taking 9 classes and you think you're teh suck? No, you are teh masochist.

But, the happy news about that is that you'll probably be able to settle down at some point with a nice boy who just has a fetish for inflicting pain, and you'll both live happily ever after. Like Secretary or something.


Timmy said...

My superhero name: The Blue Big Red.

Anonymous said...

You do realize that by doing that meme...we all can figure out your full name and even the street you live on...hope no stalkers read this (other than me of course)...:P

Matt Vella said...

kick ass and take names; have some fun in there too if you have time in between ALL THOSE FUCKING CLASSES!

Knight said...

All areas of the law are litigious.

Es & Ts isn't a bad class, espically if you did good in property... future intersts!!! Wooo Hooo!!!

HRH Courtney, Queen of Everything said...

Rock star name was actually Porn Star Name the first time I played that game.

So, yeah, Patches St. George. HOT.

ThatGuy said...

So, please admit who pointed out the fact that 9 was just to damn much. You can do it. The words are "I was wrong". :)

Interesting set of names, goes with having the unique last name. Let the I's have it! I have no idea where I was going with that...

Matt Vella said...

Pron star name - Aaron Gladstone.

I'm hoping to work my way up into straight porn one day...