Monday, August 07, 2006

freedom is a cage, no sun and too much rage, i know the normal is hard to fake. fear is in my heart and i can never live this way. i lost again today.

apparently i fail to fall within the scope of reality...i'm just a stubborn bitch who refuses to compromise the integrity of her "baby," and see the funtastic bigger picture.

and by "baby" i mean this blog.

yup. the personna of supposed bitch i personify in this here site is compromising to my future career which won't commence for two years, and thus, i can't have a face shot up on here...

i can't have my name anywhere on this blog...

i can't say where i'm from with any specificity...

errr, well..i shouldn't.

and, taking a total guess here, but i'm going to presume that engaging in hnt is the faux pas of the century and is a step beyond "shouldn't."

accordingly, my inability to understand the horrible implications of my personality, my tits which are no more exposed than they would be in a beach photograph, and my profuse swearing...all seems to come down to one single fact that never even crossed my mind when the entire issue was brought up: i don't want to change my blog.

fuck the fact i'm not huge on self-censoring, fuck the fact i use this as my outlet for a lot of shit, fuck the fact i'm human...

it all comes down to the fact i'm proud of this blog...

not myself...and it certainly has nothing to do with being
myself. nope. it's all about the ego of this here creation...

i understand that the world has turned into a smashingly fun game, and getting a job has turned from the honest and good faith word of references and a resume to this unfounded game of cat and mouse where employers will use any slight no-no as a reason to abstain from giving you employment--heaven forbid you tarnish their squeeky clean image, right? they do that well enough on their own it seems [see: enron, qualcomm, arthur anderson, tyson, etc....all companies that pretty much committed the biggest no-no imaginable and there was no prolific language, no tits, and no google search that would shed light onto the goings-on of their lovely and awesome debacles]

i know full-well that it's not illegal to refuse soemone employment based on a google search [however, firing someone for non slanderous content yeilded by a google search is]
, and it's not a far-off assumption to guess that anybody in a suite and an office with a window wouldn't be thrilled to read whatever i have here.

i think the words used to describe here were "militant," "queen bitch," "wrought with swear words," "not any facet of the real you," get the idea.

and who would hire someone who, though getting her degrees and being competent, is as militant as me, and who can use the word "fuck" in almost any context, at any point in time, without even thinking twice?

but, i'm really not as dumb as i look...and a google search of my full name (i'm talking full name here people, which only one of you knows) doesn't bring up anything more than my high school choir yearbook photo. same with yahoo and msn.

that's not good enough, though.

so fuck it...i'll continue the path of doing as i'm told and telling my desire and occasional sapience to wallow in the proverbial fuck-off area so that any individual won't be shocked and appalled to google my name and perhchance find this piece-of-shit on the web and suffer eye spasms after enduring the copious amount of profanity i use. nope, my future employer won't find the "queen bitch" i so desperately try to portray, he won't see my tits glaring back at him from his monitor--though that might help me get a job--and he won't have to worry about my ability to flawlessly integrate into the be-all-you-can-be-but-on-our-terms corporate world. he'll find nothing at all about me.

and i quote: "be human, but do it anonymously."

fair enough.

no full name, no picture, no location....and i'm sure soon enough i'll have to move the blog to another url so people won't read it with the knowledge that i wrote... and then i'll have to take it down altogether so secure my position as yet another corporate whore.

sentience is so overrated, huh?

in other lovely news i saw the most bomb ass movie today. oh yes...the queen of stupid, idiotic, retarded movies has found yet another to add to her collection and has a whole new
shit-ton of quotes to say at the most opportune and inopportune times.

that's right! talladega nights: the ballad of ricky bobby is fucking awesome...and if you hear me saying shit like:
  • "when i wake up in the morning i piss excellence!"
  • "help me jesus! help me tom cruise! tom cruise, use your witchcraft to get the fire off of me!"
  • "i can't keep my heart rate down! i got a cougar on me!"
  • "i'm too drunk to taste the chicken!"
  • "i'm jacked up on mountain dew!"
  • "SHAKE AND BAKE!! it's got two verbs and it rhymes!"
just smile and nod at me, or maybe flatter me with a laugh, k?

just like we do when i randomly quote super troopers, or dodgeball, or old skool...or any adam sandler movie. thanks!


if you have a soul, or just give enough of a shit to see my blog the way i see it, feel free to download this font , because i've spent the last three hours trying to embed the font code so that it automatically uploaded to anyone using internet explorer (...happy firefox haters?!), and i'm fucking retarded so it no work.

and then i tried doing a little image action, so that an image showed and i wouldn't have to worry about the font not showing...and it looked shitty and it drove me fucking insane trying to make things more clear with photoshop which in general makes me want to go on a killing spree, let alone when i'm doing something specific... can either revel in the plain font that is most likely showing on your screen, or you can download the font , put it in your font folder, and, instead, revel in having a funky ass mother fuckin font to use as you wish.

the choice is yours


Oolong T said...

Funny how being yourself gets you killed, hm?

I love you, man! And I'll always know where you are and what you're writing and love you for that, too.

Anonymous said...

When you say psychosomatic, you mean like, he could start a fire with his thoughts?

I'm just sayin' sometimes you get a knock on the head you get a special power. Read a comic book, ok?

KJ said...


I'm sorry.........and I mean that because I've had the same things told to me about my blog.........


Anonymous said...

I am coming for you Ricky Booby....

flounder said...

I will truly miss your beautiful face.

I know the real reason that you are mixing it up a little.

The penguin made you do it, right?

Anonymous said...

Man I'm glad I saved all those pictures of you onto my own little PC...LOL. Now I'll have blackmail material later...*evil grin*. Just kidding...but I wish I had now. See, if you were becoming a doctor or IT professional or a Banker...nobody would care. Just lawyers..because they go on to political careers laters and nobobdy wants to see a lawyer're not a lawyer yet right?

Scumbag said...

bah! i don't blame ya. and you should be proud of this blog. i mean, go back to the very beginning of it and see how it's "matured". i use that term very loosely, but i think you get the point. from the new (kick ass) template, to the circle of blog friends you've made over the past year or so.

i did the same thing with the wedding party, which was originally just meant to be a sort of messageboard between personal friends that grew into a very notorious, vulgar, and down right insane place on the internet. we even have ourselves somewhat of a cult following. some people are scared to even comment on our blog now and we've even had a blog dedicated to how much someone hates us. it's all in a days work.

elle rules!

Natalia said...

Ahhh you know I have been through this. No one can tell you what your best option is. You have to do what feels right. And it will then be right.

I'll be here no matter what.


Everything Nice said...

Okay as soon as I get over the shock Scumbag said more than three words and it was all... "moving" and shit... I'll reply a little better.

Ahhh, the world of the bagged. Sucks, doesn't it? eh, sometimes we find solice in anonymity... sometimes we find pain.

I say fuck it and have another drink. I loved this blog from the git-go... nothing changes that, no matter if I can or can't see you're perty face.

And even if I don't know where you're located, I know where to find you when I need you, and you me... So it's all good like that.

Everything Nice said...

*your perty face. Fuck this coffee bullshit.. nothing wakes you up like ice water to the small of the back!

flounder said...

Whatever happened to Emma's blog?

Scumbag said...

go to

da buttah said...

Dude: eh, apparently i'm not being myself...just some derivative version of myself for show. bleh, whatever. i see where he's coming from, but bit too far thinking, i guess. or maybe4 i am that stubborn

Kristen: sucks huh? never thought having some ounce of personality would come back to bite me in the ass. it's not like i'll stop swearing like a maniac when i get a job and i'm in the business suit and i'm in the office.

Wes: "she grabbed my crotch!" "ohh yea, it's like a beacon of hottness"

Flounder: i'd be drunk way more if i saw a penguin everytime. i swear!

Chris: heh could you imagine me in politics? seriously! and there's still an archive my love :) and..uhh...yea

Shane: *waits for the world to resume normal status in the wake of shane actually reading a post....* i'm not proud of this blog, it's just who i be is....but it is what it is..and your blog is da bomb! i think. i like it a lot. i will say that blog buddies are the most awesome part of the "blog experience"...word.

Nat: thank you love :) i still don't see the big deal if a search of my real name yeilds nothing concerning this blog, but hey...i might end up with that super savy employer who works jedi mind tricks with a search engine and will find this here spot...bleh

Emma: i know i was shocked for a second. SHOCKED! i don't mind anonymity. i have it in a lot of respects, even with my name, location, and picture slapped up on this page. i've never been in an airport and had someone be like "elle? oh my god! it's elle! the girl from the blog!"...and i think it's absolute bullshit that i have to fluff off said anonymity to the point of no trace of me outside of my writing, because in two years my employer may find this blog, if it even exists then. snarf!

Flounder: she moved it..

Shane: you're so on it

Knight said...

You see now why I keep my blog pretty "vanilla"

RobynB said...

We still love you, even without seeing your lovely face.

Patches: You have to know the 5 "D"s of dodgeball. Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge.

Roll it with girl... just roll on ;)

kitty kat said...

Wait. Does this mean no more tittays?


The Savage said...

A Buttah by any other name will still be "Queen Bitch" in my book... :D

Matt Vella said...

"When I wake up in the morning, I piss excellence."

I haven't seen the movie, but I have to say that is a terrific line and I will steal it as

Trouble said...

and who would hire someone who, though getting her degrees and being competent, is as militant as me, and who can use the word "fuck" in almost any context, at any point in time, without even thinking twice?

Apparently, my company.