Thursday, August 24, 2006

all your tears and your silly fears, i will be your teddy bear. for you i'll suffer so much pain. your preaching that you care. do you care?

if you came here for the sole purpose of seeing some titties and haven't scrolled down at all...and haven't noticed there are no titties displayed....and are actually reading after realizing there are no tittie pictures, no boobie pics today!

we clear?


i did have this entire post written out, and then i remembered it is thursday so even if people do come for more than the beer and the bitchiness, thursday equates to pretty much only looking at the purdy picture, so it's all about the fluff posts.

what i wrote wasn't really fluff, so it'll have to wait until later. hopefully by the time later comes i won't be nearly as livid, i'll forget how abso-fuckin-lutely trapped i appear to be from my perspective, and i'll just add it to the every growing heap of bullshit that i keep in the way way way way back of my mind, continue merrily with my whatever-i-don't-give-a-fuck-attitude, and the post will never see the light of blogland.

so, here..have some randomness:

the things that have perplexed me and/or pissed me off thus causing my ucler to sputter...
*cough* the sun went down four hours ago...*cough*

  • how absolutely inconsiderate people are of others is really getting perplexing lately. i mean i knew that the majority of people are inconsiderate fucktards who are so self absorbed and self-serving that they hardly ever look beyond themselves and their immediate wants and needs, but shit is getting absolutely ridiculous. while getting gas, this woman in a minivan nearly took out my car because god forbid she get off the phone and actually manuever the beast of a van she drives...nope, it's better to nearly slam into my vehicle than interupt whatever important conversation she was having. whore.
  • while driving at a merry eighty fives miles per hour, this asshole in a 2000 e320 4matic station wagon decides he wants to change lanes, so he moves on over to my big deal, except he's going forty-two miles per hour...on the highway. and he never sped up. not once..not even when he was in the left lane...not even after i was honking at him along with the people stuck behind me going under forty miles per hour on the fucking highway. douchebag.
  • i'm driving...and driving...and driving...and then i'm stopping. not at a light, or because people in front of the car in front of me are stopped or stopping. nope, i'm stopped in the middle of the goddamn road. why? because the douchebag in the explorer in front of me decided he didn't look as hot as he could, and adjusting his hat was in order to be as hot as he could be while driving, so he just slammed on his break, looked in his rear view mirror, adjusted shit accordingly, and then resumed driving. say it with me: "what the fuck?"
  • while at a stop-light, i noticed that the light turned green and shockingly! the guy in front of me wasn't moving. i honked, he pushed the gas, i passed him, and what is the asshole doing? he's reading. reading while driving. it wasn't one of those "oh i'll read while i'm stopped at the light" kind of things, it was a eyes-continually-on-the-magazine type of deal. it was reading in a driving environment. and, that's the last driving thing i'll talk about.
  • this girl in my white collar crime and secured transactions class is the ipitomy of everything wrong with women today. she's tiny, but she wears clothes that are too small for rather than admitting that she isn't a size two and going up to a whopping four, she sits down and has this flub that comes spilling over her jeans that is visible from every angle. she honestly looks worse than i do, and i'm possibly twice her size. on top of that, she's tanorexic. i'm not sure where people got this sick idea that oompa loompa is a natural skin tone or that leather is a texture found in nature to begin with. step away from the tanning bed, put the self tanner down, and slather yourself with some moisturizer woman! it's taking almost all of my willpower not to forgo spending $900 on a new purse, and just using her and her skin to make one.
  • i'm sitting...i'm relaxed--err, well as relaxed as i can be...i'm comfortable and content, and then all of a sudden out of fucking nowhere my boob starts to hurt. i think to myself "self? what the shit is that?!" and avoid the urge to shove my hands down my shirt to adjust things, figure out what's going on, and rub my poor wounded bubbie all better, because of course i'm in public. so? i ignore the pain and just brush it off as nothing more than the random daily aches and pains that come along with being female. i get home and do what i always do, which is change into my pj's with a quickness, and ta-dow! three quarters of the underwire is sticking straight out of the bra, and was sticking straight into my poor little sweater puppet. how does that happen?! how does a dull piece of wire manage to poke through a fairly thick layer of cloth and continue its course out of the lovely lace bra it belongs to and right into jabbing your tit. you'd think that it would stop once it something as dense as a giant ball of fat, but oh no! it just keeps protruding and carves a fucking hole right there in my bazunga. it feels lovely.
  • i've come to realize that unless jeans are skint tight and appear to literally be paint on, they're going to do this poof thing that makes me look fatter than i am. no matter how much weight i lose, that fucking little poof is constantly present right where the button and zipper congregate in a holy and unsacred union to men everywhere. it fucking blows.
  • why do people insist on wearing clothing with patters on it? i don't give a fuck what people say, if there is a pattern on an article of clothing, and that article of clothing doesn't conveniently fall into the "undergarment" category, it's just fucking wrong. i'm not talking subtle patterns--like dots on a skirt that add a little color, or lines on a shirt that make it look funky--i'm talking about patterns that make it damn near impossible for you to look anywhere other than that article of clothing, all the while inducing a form of blindness. a skirt with sixty million different color swirls on it is super cute...if you're two years old. a shirt with orange, green, blue, yellow, pink, and purple stripes is vomitous fantastic...if you're using it as a rag to dry off your car after you wash it. how am i supposed to pay attention in class when all i can do is stare at the train wreck of a pattern someone is wearing?

and that about concludes my bitchfest....oh, wait! i actually got stuck listening to the radio today for a little bit, and can someone please explain to me what the fuck is wrong with music? the sounds of my dogs shit hitting grass is more orotorily pleasing than the crap that's "hot" today.

anyway...on top of me bitching, why not add a fake smile to the mix?

and for those of you women (and men who are into that kind of thing and most likely belong to the "accented" minions) who haven't tried rimmels mascara, why the shit not?! get to it! get your ass on the bandwagon, because if i can even openly admit to my eyelashes look fucking awesome with it, well...then it's beyond the new hotness, it's quintessential.

happy hnt y'all!


rebeleyeball said...

Once again with the eyeball. I'm starting to think you are trying to tell me something.

DZER said...

is it just me ... or are you wearing some kind of cheerleader outfit in the upper pic?


BadGod said...

I came for titties. Reading hurts. Damn you. Damn you and your amazing eye lashes.

KJ said...

I do need new masacara

ATLLG said...

OK... I have a good imagination..I guess can imagine boobies...I might have a little problem with the injury part...

we are SO togther on the auto/driving ranting...I don't THINK I almost killed anyone on the way to work today but...

dzer's comment almost made my morning libation shoot out my nose..

WOW..nice eye

Knight said...

Hi. I did stop by to "see" you, but I always enjoy your rants.

RobynB said...

You definetly need a vehicle with large and loud options... maybe a super obnoxious horn that tells people to move their asses... just a thought.

I'm a mascara junkie and Rimmel is my fav. Have you tried their new sparkly eyeliner? Its teh shit.

Have a great day sweetie

Anonymous said...

Yep, there are those of us who read your rants every day...and enjoy them until you destroy all that we love..LOL. Boobies or not...I'd still stop by. Boobies are like blowjobs...they can't be expected everytime but when they're offered, they won't be ignored.

flounder said...

I could get some of that mascara and do a Clockwork Orange thing.

Everything Nice said...

Yeah, I'm with D on this... Not that you don't look fanfucktingastic as usual but...

You know, that looks reminiscently like my old Drill team uniform.

Drrriiiiiilllll Teeeaaaammm.

Okay seriously to go with your driving man-hat-adjusting jiggerball I have to throw in that the other evening while I was driving to my happy place the lady in front of me slowed to a good 50 mph and drove with her knees as she put on her eyeliner. Not only was I amazed at her shitty abilities to operate heavy machinery, but her oblivious attention to the people around her in the left lane and no one to the right, so of course we all cut around and prepare to look at this lady like she's an ass-pylon.

Low and behold, in all the eyelining face smushed to rear view mirror knee driving glory... I find it was in fact...

a man.


Unknown said...

Best fake smile ever. The eye still scares me though. I'm an emo fucktard, so, that's probably why. Just so you know.

Trouble said...

God, elle, you're gorgeous.

I have to always buy underwires because my boobs apparently swallowed manhattan during my (almost a decade ago) last pregnancy and never shrank.

This weekend, I noticed that my ABSOLUTELY FAVORITE SEXY BLACK BRA is ruined because the underwire has come out, and I cannot get the muther fucker back into the bra.

This bitch cost me like $50 for a flippin bra, and now it's ruint.

It so pisses me off. And those things hurt, too.

Great mascara.

Trouble said...


All blogs that do HNT suck. Indiscriminately.


Anonymous said...

anytime someone drives like a cunt when i'm on the road i will pull up next to them and point at them, then do the eyes on the road gesture (the only way i can explain this is just like in the movie meet the parents when de niro tell stiller that he's watching him in the dressing room). and driving seems to be the all time number one easiest way to spot a dumbass.

and i was wondering when i was going to see an eyeball shot. eyeball photos seem to be all the rave on the net for some reason...although you had a reason for showing yours so that's not totally trend-following.

and i agree with the others when they say that you look like you're wearing a cheerleader outfit. go, fight, win.

da buttah said...

Rebeleyeball: it's my mating call, what can i say? that, and aside from insanely white teeth the only thing i got is decent eyes (outside of tits of course).

Pyro: i hate big cars! but it probably would work, huh? i think i just need to mount machine guns on the hood of my car =0P

Dzer: no, it's some kind of nasty boat necked dress. i feel like a sailer in it with those red and white stripes around the collar. ewww!

Badgod: come on over, i'll show you my private collection of titties. tee hee

Kristen: target! get thee to target! and bring me..because i love that place like it's my bastard child.

Atl lg: yea, if i weren't all about anti-violence and completely against the use of guns, i would fear me on the road. but nothing is too scary about screaming, cursing, gesticulating, flailing, and aggressively downshifting :) and uhmm, watch the nose spray!

Knight: thank you for your honesty hehe

Robynb: oooo sparkly eyeliner? i hoard my mascara and save it for special ocassions because everytime i go to target, they're out! i'll look for the sparkly eyeliner, but i'm seriously in love with their lipgloss. shiny, but not sticky! and i'm seriously going to look into a loud obnoxious horn that sounds like satan saying "fuck off!"

Chris: i do not destroy everything you love! and thank you for not ignoring my titties ;)

Flounder: you do that and i may have to superglue myself to your nutsack.

Em: it's a dress!! a dress my momma got me, so naturally i have to wear it *gags* you ever see little nicky? where he's floating up to see the nerdy chick played by patricia arquette and he keeps ending up at some tranny's window who's tweaking his nipples? yea, i have no clue where i'm going with that...but it cracks me up!

FireBalls: emo fucktards rock, didn't you know? and how can an eye scare you? it's just an eyeball..and it's in the socket! i mean if i like poppped it out, alright yea..that's gross...

Trouble: yea, this bra happens to be my favorite black bra, and i'm so disgustingly in love with it i refuse to throw it out, and i still wear it. thank god i have no shame and i will shove my hands down my shirt to shove the underwire back in pretty much anywhere =P

Trouble part 2: i do suck, and that's why the boys keep coming back (well, in my dreams, at reality there are no boys)

kitty kat said...
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kitty kat said...

I can't spell.

Which Rimmel do you use? I bought the one with the funky brush, and for some reason I can't stand it.

I'm with them. Burn that shirt/dress.

da buttah said...

Carlos: "it's not so bad being tredny...everyone who looks like me is my friend..please don't hate me because i'm trendy, they're not gonna laugh at me again!"

i'm from nyc, so i'm an utter bitch on the road and am rather skilled at forcing people off it, but ohio's driving is a shitty force to be reckoned with, and i seriously think it's breaking my unbridled spirit!

da buttah said...

Kitty: i hate the funky sculpting brushes too, this one has a normal brush. it's the one with the silicon or something in it that makes your lashes not hard as a rock.....okay, yea i suck cause i can't remember the name of it. black tube, purple writing...if that helps...maybe? fuck!

Editor Shawn said...


no tittie.

PLUS I read that whole penchant and NOWHERE does it say I want to deep throat a corn dog for Shawn.

jesus. I even went kosher!

Knight said...

Hey... honestly, I like to stop by and read the lamenting of a law student, LOL!!! maybe chime in on a debate.

The HNTs are a bonus.

da buttah said...

Shawn: don't fucking lie about the kosher. i know you're packing the swine.

Knight: but i don't debate =) remember? i'm the antithesis of a law student.

and not like anyone cares but this guy in my class sounds exactly like "kurt" from napolean dynamite...and i'm trying really hard not to laugh my fucking ass off!

Anonymous said...

I'll join the majority here and say that I don't actually come for the titties, but certainly appreciate them when they make an appearance. I'll even be honest enough to admit that it was one of your HNT posts that made me start checking in regularly. Eventually your writing sucked me in though, and that's why I keep coming back.

Jericho said...

boobies?! you post those here?
wow... and here I am, fucking READING...
oh, well, I guess that's what archives are made for - boobies.
love your observations, your attitude... wish you were in one of my classes

sassinak said...

regarding the mascara? because my client gifted me with some from prescriptives (wait for it, she used to work for mac and she gave me a PILE of makeup from them and estee lauder and it's ALL suited to my skin!!!) and it makes my eyelashes do that too.

and it's in a pretty silver wand...

rebeleyeball said...

Oh, but you sell yourself short. You have a lovely middle finger. I bet your pinkies are totally hot. And how about the those ear lobes? But you really missed the mark ... after eyes and breast, I am a ... NOSE man. And yours is perfect. That's right, gimme a shot of your nose next week!

ThatGuy said...

Us inbred midwester hicks just sputter "purdy girl, purdy girl" over and over while adjusting our hats trying to get your attention. Sorry, but we have to slow down so you'll notice.

da buttah said...

Vlad Tepes: awww, i'm loving the flattery and the sucking-in value of my writing :)

Jericho: i do post boobies..more than i should. shhhh! i'm not supposed to! thanks for stopping by and liking it. I rather like your blog too, even if it causes my browser to die an evil, evil, death haha

Sass: estee lauder isn't bad. my aunt used to wear their stuff. i can't wear much because of my shitty sensitive skin, so i stick to three brands.

Rebel: nose? i'm not showing off my giant shnoz!

Thatguy: awwww, you want my attention? cute!

kitty kat said...

Lycra, not silicone you tart!