Monday, February 25, 2008

i'm giving up because i know everything sucks and this won't be the last time you'll hear me complain.

i just spent..well, more like wasted...over three hours yelling at some dumb fuck at another corporation that clearly doesn't seem to understand what and whom he is dealing with as far as the company i work for is concerned and clearly has no clue about how stubborn, bitchy, and all around shitty i really am...and he really doesn't give a fuck about any of that, why?

he's got a juris doctorate degree, a contractual draft, and the iq of the typical lawyer.

a strange thing happened when i graduated from law school...that strange thing being that i realized i'm way better at this than most people and, as my boss so generously pointed out, that fact rests gently on the shoulders of the simple fact that i don't think/speak/act like a lawyer.

law school basically swipes your hard drive of any inquisitive and distinguishing features you may have in your thought processes in an effort to teach you how to "think like a lawyer." they fill your head with the notion that attorneys serve a critical purpose to societies well being and without us the world as we know it would run itself into an anarchaic state of blah.

sure, laws are important, but in all the shpeels of self importance, in all the talks of the virtuousity of being an attorney, in all the lectures where in professors would spout of how much more intelligent and skilled lawyers are than those piddily common folk and therefore lawyers must always boil things down to layman's terms so those poor little common folk can understand the comlicated workings of what it is lawyers all of that bullshit, no one really mentioned the fact that the need for lawyers is purely self created.

lawyers make laws which require lawyers to do certain things, and lawyers are the ones who enforce such laws. you may think it's the police, but all they are doing is ensuring that prosecutors and defense attorneys have jobs.

law school made lawyers out to be on the same level as a medical doctor, but the huge distinction between a lawyer and a doctor is that the need for doctors is created by forces wholly outside the medical field, and lawyers systematically create societies need for them. perhaps law schools should have professors hand out a yellow pages, flip through it to see how many fucking lawyers there are and, rather then sit there and say how wonderful and amazing lawyers are, say "if you don't want to be like them and have to take out an ad in a yellow pages, don't lose yourself and follow the herd."

i really think that if the entire profession would just get over themselves already and admit that they aren't the pinnacle of intelligence and an integral asset to society, the profession, as a whole, would go up a few notches in the respect meter. self respect is great, but there really does come a point when the only respect a profession has is self generated and that is just pathetic. you here that you self piteous attorneys? the legal profession is at a level of pathetic not even perez hilton has reached [yet]--at least he admits to garnishing his "fame" and "fortune" from belittling the very people who gave it to him, why can't you?

maybe then i wouldn't have to waste my time with dealing with douchebags that cling to their law degree and the sheep-like lawyer mentality rather than taking the dick out of his ass, using it to clean out his ears, and listening to the words coming out of my mouth.


Osbasso said...

psst! I didn't see you, so I won't tell...

Looks like you've got alot to vent to those of us that aren't really here or checking. I hope you're finding it healthy and good for you.

Unknown said...

i just started reading you. and its pretty interesting reading you.i landed on this post out of the many,many [in a good way] pages of posts.

Are you always this intense? And the whole unapologetic mind frame, so hot!!