Tuesday, August 15, 2006

you were the start and now you are the end, and you left me nothing to defend. i can't stop myself from laughing no matter how sad these things can be

i stole it from nat...why? because i fucking can! now stop asking retarded questions and barely skim the shit i've written below and comment, my little plebians :)

2 moments in your life you'd like to erase:

i don't like the connotations of erase, that much. kind of takes out the crucial aspect that even the shittiness that occurs has some role in the development of who you are...so, i'm going to pretend it says "fastforward" in the place of "erase," because if i don't cling like a mother fucker to the notion that everything creates you i may just go absolutely insane...

so...the moments i would like to fast forward are:
...the entire span of time between twelve and eighteen. just push the little button and breeze through those six years in a matter of seconds. why? because that's about when i went from happy little girl to insanely miserable adolescent. that time in your life sucks the self esteem and joy right out of you, and is horrible in general...but the added perk of all the medical bullshit and moving...yea, no thanks.

...this year. it's flying by at an alarming speed, but it's still not fast enough. i think.

4 moments you'd like to relive:

...that moment where the ex flat out admitted to lying when he told me he loved me, so i could actually dump him then and not wait around for another year or so for him to meet someone better and ignore me away.

...i wish i could just keep that innocence and unfounded happiness that all children have, so i could live everyday without this big black cloud of reality clouding out all the tiny rays of possibility. it would be awesome to live in the now with the unclouded eyesight and forethough of then.

...the college application process, because it was just kind of fun to see the shitloads of possibilities that presented themselves to you with every letter you got from a school--rejection and acceptance letters. it was fun to see all the exciting places you could go. i rather enjoyed it..then again i got in everywhere i was accepted except fucking urbana champagne. those bitches!

...when i lived in paris, i was walking home per my usual course of "yay, school is over" action, when it started to rain. the sun was shining, the weather was pure perfection, and each little rain drop was sunkissed to the point of walking in a numinous wonderland. it was thaumaturgic..so obviously there's no way i can do it justice..but just know that i am happy naked dancing like a mother fucker because i got to use the word thaumaturgic...in the correct context...vive la nerdiness!

2 places you wouldn't want to go to/go to again:

...i revel in my yankee bitchness, and i'm proud of my no-fucking-way-am-i-going-camping-unless-there's-a-cabin ways, thus, i do try to avoid the south. i'm not talking the south, like st. louis, i'm talking way the fuck deep south where confederate flags fly free because people really have no clue the war is over. never been, never want to go...thanks.

...i could say prison, but the few nights i've spent in prison really weren't that horrible (although i can totally see why any amount of time over one night would suck ass up in there), so i'm going to say a public restroom in china. dear fucking god, it's disgusting. so disgusting, in fact, that since my first encounter with a public toilet in china and on, i have never, ever, ever, bitched or been disgusted by a public restroom in any other country. the holes in europe are more sanitary and less stinky than anything i encountered in china by an incomprehensible margin.

4 places you can't wait to visit/visit again:

...australia. hot accents, hot men, insane people who love anything and everything extreme and adrenaline inducing (like me..yay!), amazing surfing, the great barrier reef, the ability to free swim with great white sharks almost year round...did i mention hot guys and accents that leave me wanting to do nothing more than pounce? yea, i'm so not coming back when i finally make it down under.

...israel. i'm jewish, it's kind of expected, no? my parents met and got married there, the majority of my family still lives over there, and yet i've never been. i hope to change that soon..should the rest of the world wake up to the atrocity that is islam and the reality that is their desire to get rid of western civilization in entirety with incomprehensible levels of iniquity, and should the media shut the fuck up and actually care more about telling the truth than getting a "story" of some kind that can lead to a future "late breaking report"....or may 2007...whichever comes first.

...phi phi islands, thailand. aside from the fact i absolutely love thailand and it's the one place in asia i would go back to without even asking a single question concerning the trip, and completely overlooking the fact that thai food is one of my favorite foods and i seriously gained about ten pounds the three days i was there because i was in my own personal food heaven, the islands are absolutely gorgeous. they are relatively un-corporatized and fairly unknown aside from that piece of shit movie entitled the beach which ruined the entire twenty or so miles of beach they used to make the movie. amazing cliff diving, unparalleled rock climbing areas, and crystal clear blue water...i'm so game!

i really want to go on an african safari, or at the very least go to victoria falls so i can bask in the glory of being able to go bungee jumping, cliff diving, white water rafting, and microlighting in one glorious spot..granted, the spot happens to be the world's largest single sheet waterfall, but that's also part of the fun!

2 foods you can't stand:

...i really can't stand most russian food. silotkoo, scoombrio, borscht...bleh, it all really makes me want to puke.

...tropical fruit aside from mangos and pineapples. passiont fuits, guavas, papayas...gag, vomit, upchuck. absolutely disgusting.

4 foods you love:

...most types of food from asia i'm okay with, and after spending so much time in china i've stopped asking what i'm eating..so, i'm even more okay with it now!

..thai food, sushi, and indian food are my absolute favorite foods. yes, they're asian...but they trump all.

...key lime cheesecake. most people contort their face in a "what the fuck?" manner, but i don't really have a sweet tooth and i love sour things, so ta dow motha fuckahs. it's cream, it's sour, and it's delish.

...blackberries. i go straight ziggy piggy style whenever they are around [yes, that was a bill and ted reference]. they're the fucking bomb yo. num!

2 current songs that make you change the station:

...pretty much anything that starts out with just a lone drum machine before anything else even kicks in. odds are it's absolute crap so there's no point in listening.

...anything by the black eyed peas, and now that she seems to think she has a speck of talent and has gone solo style, anything featuring the horrible screechings and ghastly singing attempts of fergie.

4 current songs you play over and over:

oh dear lord, i'm way too much of a music whore to have only four songs that i adore at any given time, but the four that just played on my itunes are:

..."a real love survives" the rock steady remix featuring ms. dynamite--who the fuck knows?

..."horror with eyeballs"--the dissociatives

..."truth is"--over it

..."hospital"--the faint

2 books you'd never finish/read again:

...constitutional law--sixteenth edition. i stopped reading about midway through the first semester and really couldn't bring myself to start up again. i'm a glutton for punishment and pain, but reading court case after court case by judges who were/are supposedly the "brightest legal minds" wasn't only depressing, it was absolute torture.

..."anna karenina" by leo tolstoy. i don't hate the book because i read the russian version when i was ten, and i don't hate the book because i read the english version when i was fifteen. i don't hate the book at all, actually. it's a fantastic book and i highly recommend it, should you find a year and a half of free time to read all one-thousand somber and depressing pages of teeny tiny print.

4 books you have read more than once, and/or will read again:

..."kissing in manhattan"--david schickler. it's short, it's disjointed as all hell, and love prevails in a not so hollywood friendly way. the hot guy is insane, the nerdy guy gets the girl blah blah blah. i absolutely love it.

..."the last basselope"--berkley breathed. it features the loveable opus and his croanies and tracks their search for the ferocious and legendary basselope--which happens to be a basset hound with horns and bad allergies. the pictures rock (see shane? picture book!), the story is funny, and even though it's a children's book there are a lot of adult undertones to it. oh, and the basselope is abso-fuckin-lutely adorable.

..."rules of contract law"--some group of self righteous and self important lawyers, i'm guessing. i write contracts for my job, and i write them from scratch seeing as i work for a bunch of engineers who wouldn't know the first part of stringing a cohesive paragraph together, let alone doing it in correct legalese and following the provisions of the uniform commercial code and the restatements. thus? i read, read, read...and then write, write, write.

yea, that's about it. i rarely read books more than once....sorry!

anyway...wasn't that fun? more shit about me you never really cared about or wanted to know. yeee haw!

so yea, before i shut up i have two questions:

1. yay or nay to dying the blonde streaks in my hair a nice fun magenta?

2. anyone want to go to chicago in october with the dude and i? more the merrier, and y'all are more than welcome :)

and now! now i shut up!


DZER said...

hmm ... the fact that you "stole" this from Nat means you didn't read my version of it ... when I TAGGED you!! *pouting*

word on the thai food ... though I fucking love a good guava (they're called "abas") on Guam.

Oh ... and I may just be in the Chi-town area in October ... heh

ThatGuy said...

Is the shower still working? You've been, or will be, a little bit of everywhere once its all said and done. I'm impressed and wish I had done the same. My vote is for new colors.

Oolong T said...

Note that said trip to El Chicago-o will involve minor amounts of tattooing. And probably piercing if I have my way. Who's up for some body mutilation?!

You know what other song sucks? That fucking Vans song by some stupid rap group...posse...rap town. These people get entire fucking cities as backup.

Greg said...

Well, I don't have any specific comments. Just wanted to say that I really enjoyed reading your answers here. Thanks for sharing your feelings/thoughts with us. That's what I come here for!

[I'd go with the magenta.]

oldman71 said...

I must say I'm disappointed that there was no Imogen on your list of 4 songs you play over and over again...shame shame.

KJ said...

Dzer said the same thing to me about the tag.........

I want to go to Australia with ya'.....that's what I want

flounder said...

Why the fuck is a ten year-old reading anything that has 1,000 pages?


Why the fuck is a ten year-old American girl reading anything in Russian?

You are way too smart for a neanderthal like me.

...and go with the magenta. It sounds hawt!

Anonymous said...

You "lived" in Paris...and liked it? Bleeaagghhh!!!! Rude, snotty people, who smell like the back end of a goat (don't ask me how I know that smell) who smoke even more than I do. *shudders* "Anna Karenina" is good but I'm more partial to Dostoevsky's "The Brothers Karamazov". It's really not a love story (like Anna Karenina is either, really) but I think most people can find themselves buried in one of the characters...me...I'm Smerdyakov (I know I spelled that wrong).

da buttah said...

Dzer: you tagged me?! well aren't i a righteous cunt! my parents were here, i was barely around! i suck, i'm sowwy :(

Thatguy: i'm a world slut, it's fun. i'm debating the hair thing...mostly because i'm not sure i want to risk getting any hair dye on my beloved, awesome, completely luxurious and soft awesome new sheets...and sleeping on a towel blows. we shall see! oh! shower is fine ;)

Dude: i'm always up for some mutilation! i stopped listening to the radio since i programmed every possible station for my ipod radio in...good tunes with hella static is better than the shit they seem to love to play. word.

Greg: magenta it be. thanks for stopping by, you should do it more often ;)

Oldman: it was the four songs that played before i got to that question! imogen is my lesbian lover--though she doesn't know it yet. you're a fan?

Kristen: more the merrier, hope on in my suitcase.

Flounder: i wanted to read it...and my parents (and family) are russian, therefore i can read and speak russian ;) not smart, it's a default of having my shitty family.

Chris: i did not like paris! i think paris is a phenomenal city when all the fucking french people leave (which happens in august! but everything is pretty much closed then too..but no frenchies!). i just remember how gorgeous that moment was, not the fact that i was in paris. snarf! and i loved "brothers karamazov", and dostoevsky is one of my favorite authors because of how dark and depressing he is. wouldn't recommend him for a light summer read, but i really do think his books make you look at the world different. "notes from underground" is a fav of mine. a fantastic book you'd like (i think) is "goodl soldier svejk" by haskel. it's hilarious and kind of parodies brothers karamazov.

RobynB said...

The south isn't so bad... I don't sport a rebel flag and I have blackberries growing right near the fence :)

I get the key lime cheesecake... Good stuff.

Go magenta! I'm thinking of adding some red streaks in mine, just for a change that I need so badly.


Anonymous said...

You mean the one by Jaroslav Hasek right???

Tabitha said...
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Scumbag said...

i like gook food too! we should fuck.

flounder said...

Engineers amaze me.

They are usually rather highly educated, but they come off as such dumbasses.

Too much "pie in the sky" and not enough reality with them as far as I can tell.

BTW - I am still kinda spooked about a 10-yr old American girl willingly reading a 1000 page novel written in Russian.

da buttah said...

Robynb: i don't mind the south. i'm going to texas thursday =) but deep south scares me for some reason. probably because i can't hide my yankee ways.

Chris: yes! sorry, i can't spell or remember names. i'm re-taw-ded!

Shane: alright, lets fuck.

MJ: possibleo n the chi? woooot!

Flounder: my dads an engineer. kind of cracks me up that he can theorize like a mother fucker and explain why things work the way they work, but he can't write for shit. no one in my family can write at all, i do it for them...go figure they can't even fathom why i would want to be a writer. and i used to be smart and all that shit..so i'd read.