but, for once i'll spare you.
no, it's not because it has come to my attention that the creators and bretheren of little ol' me have taken to
okay, it does, but in the end my own stubborn and foolish nature usually prevails, and i can usually talk my way out of, or at least counter argue the fury of fuck-all that comes my way one shitstorm-tastic blob at a time.
it's mostly because i really can't place my own thoughts on the entire situation that lounges ever so persistently in the cess pool of my furcated nature, and has recently grown much larger than the kiddie pool space i've alloted it in my agenda.
fucking hell...it takes me two hours to decide on what color eyeshadow i want, and now i need to reconcile the two completely divergent sides of what now appears to be my mere subsistence?
but i'll save that for another time...when i figure out what the fuck my own stance is on things.
i knew i had to jump through hoops, but i had no idea i had to hula hoop the fucking things at the same time.
1. my dad saw the tattoos respectively located on my hand and my wrist, and let me just say thank god we were in a public place with friends of my parents, because i somehow think not even god himself could have saved me from the burning rage and fury in his eyes as he gazed upon my wrist, and then shifted his eyes upon me.
2. unbeknownst to me, an up-and-coming lawyer and accountant must always dress well and look respectable, as well as decent. unbeknownst to me, i sold my soul to the god of unflattering office wear and shirts that hide my tits but make them look twice as big the minute i signed the acceptance letter to each program. who knew? that's some fine print i still haven't found.
3. we'll do this in the most perfunctory way possible: "look at you? you're adorable. now if you lost about fifteen pounds you'd be gorgeous, you could be a model..that's how good you could look."; "are you working out? 'cause you must be doing something wrong because you just aren't losing where you need to."; "do you eat healthy? i want you to eat well and exercise."; "if you aren't losing in those areas, it's fine..it's hard to lose in some areas. tell me, and we'll make an appointment with a plastic surgeon and take care of it."....you get the idea of how my weekend was...
4. i now have an entire arsenal of anti-wrinkle and anti-aging cream because apparently i need to take preventetive steps to stop the aging process, which is an unstoppable process, and a process that i've not really begun seeing as i haven't even officially hit my mid-twenties yet. i look like i'm twelve now, so if this shit actually works when i hit thirty i'll merely look fifteen, and not seventeen like i anticipated. woot!
5. installation of my removable shower head went smoothly, despite the fact i nearly fucking dislocated my own shoulder trying to unscrew the original shower head. kind of irks me that i had to pretty much use the bulk of my body weight to undo the bolt that kept the original shower head on, and i merely had to screw on the new shower head "by hand." thank god i don't have any neighbors, because i anticipate a lot of screaming if and when the new showerhead just casually disconnects on my ass mid shower.
6. what in gods fucking name would possess someone to bring their one and a half year old child to a sushi restaurant, and not bring any form of food for the kid to eat? they brought this entire fucking toys'r'us aisle of toys with them for the little shit to play with, but no food...and then they were completely shocked that this one and a half year old little girl wasn't going ga-ga over japanese food. you ever have baby food? yea, bland as all fucking hell...sushi isn't exactly the epicenter of foods that create an onslaught of sensation for your tastebuds, but c'mon people. grown adults don't like japanese food, and you sit there expecting a one and a half year old child to lap it up with a big old smile? the adult arguably lacks taste and culture, the kid just lacks teeth and a taste for anything that doesn't come pureed in an air-tight can.
7. time warner has taken over adelphia...so aside from obnoxious and horrible ads every other time-slot, nothing seems to work. i'm going to be more than just slightly pissed if the on-demand feature that was free for adelphia is now going to cost me a pretty penny for time warner. if that does seem to be the case, pity the people in customer service that have to deal with me...because after the weekend i've had, and the insane love of movies i have...those bitches are not taking away something i got for free just because they are cocksuckers and decided to merge and acquire.
8. fucking finally! i've been a saigon fan for a long, long time...and finally they play my favorite song by him on entourage, the show that has pretty much launched his career. finally!
9. if you've hung out with me in the past year or so you probably have noticed or made-fun of the fact i usually am wearing black sequined/beaded slippers. i live in the things, and you know what? no one sells them. no one. i have half a mind to fly back to japan, go to the tiny little street market in tokyo, drop another five dollars (in yen), and fly back...just so i can have another pair. that is how awesome they are, that is how comfortable they are, and that is how pissed off i am that now that i would like another pair, every online supplier is completely out of every normal and sane color and carries only hot fucking pink.
10. i did however welcome a new pair of shoes into my loving, gorgeous, and far-too-expensive family:
hello lovers! manolo blahnik, by any other name, would still leave a wet spot wherever i tried them on.
Nice shoes... If it helps, my weekend sucked also, and I hear the same things about taking care of myself. Family is funny like that. There is something attractive about a woman that can handle minor household upgrades. Good luck with your week.
The dad/tatoo thing cracks me up.
And you're so right about the kid/sushi thing. I'll stop there before I get into a rant and expand on that whole thing....
damm could your family be any better at piling the low self esteem bullshit on your ass? tell them 'i think i look adorable now and this constant pressure from you for suregery is back for my self esteem so CUT IT!'
or maybe that's just me
Your weekend rocked. Almost as much as shoving pens in your eyes would. Keep your chin up, dude.
uh oh, the tattoos have surfaced...
but wtf is with the anti aging and surgery and shit? am i wrong or are you in your mid 20s? wtf?
call me next time you need to replace the shower head. :D
love the shoes.
Wow. Hell of a weekend. I went golfing. Soooo... Dad saw the tattoos huh? He's probably just concerned about your profession.. He'll get over the fact that you can make your own decisions and have to live with them. Im not so sure what kind of idiot tells girls they need plastic surgery.
I feel ya' on the dad and tattoo thing.......
I hate office shirts because they honestly do enhance the largeness of your boobs.
and sorry, I can't comment on the rest of this because I'm drooling over the shoes!!!!
I'm with Sass...women have a constant self-bashing monologue going. So your family really shouldn't be adding to that. Some of us learn to tell that little voice inside to go to hell...but it is harder to do that with family. But it's doable. My parents used to say things like that until I told them that if they wanted a good relationship with me, they'd have to stop saying stuff like that. Otherwise, I'd likely turn into one of those daughters who never calls or visits, except for things like Christmas, which are inevitable times.
It worked. I know they are thinking it. But mostly, they keep that shit to themselves.
You are fune just as you are. And by fine I don't mean OK...I mean FINE... Gorgeous.
Why do people feel the need to beat down the people they supposedly love?
You so have to HNT those shoes!
Have a good day sweetie. You are awesome in my book :)
Shoes..yep...don't get it. Tattoos and parents don't go together. You should bet a huge one on your neck...that'd teach them to complain about a small one on the wrist...LOL.
Most Jewish parents frown upon tats.
Thatguy: shitty weekend seems to be the theme this time around. hh, my dear...i'm a home improvement guru, i just don't trust myself with anything that doesn't involve building it from scratch...go figure.
Wes: expand! rant! i enjoy your rantings! that's what brought us together...your ranting about obese people *sigh* memories!
Sass: i think my family invented the back handed compliment, and i'm fairly used to it seeing as i've gotten the good with the bad pretty much most of my life. sometimes it just gets annoying...especially lately where my minimal self esteem has taken an insane nose dive. *shrugs* this too shall pass.
Dude: word! my weekend was the shit of dreams....well it was, if you take away everything and focus on the blahniks and clothes i got...hmm.
Matt: i'm 24..mid twenties start at 25 =P eh, i don't know. my mother is 54 so she's getting all into the anti wrinkle shit and she has a point that if she started younger she'd look better now(even though no one has ever placed her higher than 40 years old), and therefore in order to better preserve myself for my future i must start now! i figure if she has me on some anti wrinkle regime that preserves me looking like i'm 12..then i can hold out even longer on getting married, seeing as i look so young (tee hee!). the surgery? eh...i must be thin, right?
Ryan: it's actually a big faux pas to have tats as a jew, especially in light of the fact people had their prison numbers tattooed on them during the holocaust, and in russia they would tattoo you with a number automatically when you hit 20 and were jewish....so tats kind of have a shitty stigma to my parents, but then it's kind of like...well, you left russia, you never raised us with a shitload of religion, and you raised us to be all-american...take the good with the bad. and uhm, my mom is the idiot who tells a girl she needs plastic surgery, while her dad sits and listens intently for my reply and then slightly grimaces when i say "i'm fine, i don't want more surgery."
Kristen: yea, office clothes just do not help the boob-minimizing front. if i can show a little cleavage, i'm fine..but apparently i need to be in turtle necks constantly, and there's something about a turtle neck that just kind of makes my boobs go from large but not insane, to insanely huge and eye-drawing.
Nat: i couldn't really ever say that to my parents. that's my problem. i can't decide my own stance on things because i'm torn between what i want, and the fact that this entire life i have and everything is because they gave it to me. i know i could never give them any form of an ultimatum, especially over something as petty as comments they make...o-well.
Robynb: i don't think they see it as beating down, i think they see it as making someone they love even better. maybe? hnt the shoes? hmmm, not a bad idea! i could do a whole spread of the shoes i've gotten this past week!
Chris: not much to get about shoes. think of it this way: the rest of a woman can shrink and expand, but her feet generally stay the same size. women like that, plus shoes make an outfit. you guys never notice the details of it, but you notice the larger effect...just like men never notice that a woman plucks or waxes her eyebrows, but you notice the overall effect of a woman who lets them grow like shrubbery. as for a tat, i think i'm getting another :)
Flounder: yup. it's against our religion..but i have 7, so i think what damage i've done between G-d and i is pretty much set in stone, so hey...bring 'em on!
robyn's right. you should do an HNT where you're masturbating with those shoes! it'd be hot!
• ouch on your dad seeing the tatts ... reminds me of when my pop saw my pierced ear for the first time LOL
• you're hot.
• we all know why you installed a removable (read: 9-speed with pulse) showerhead ... heh
• nice shoes!
great shoes, would love to see them on ya. I am really enjoying the changes to your blog there pretty cool. Especially that balls banner LOL
Yeah yeah I know I slow
Elle, I know it might seem like a petty comment. It's not. I know they mean well. But the road to hell is paved with good intentions. What they are doing is harmful and toxic, even if they don't realize. Don't think of it as an ultimatum. Think of it as you telling your parents what you need from them. Except this time is not a pair of shoes, but their compassion. I think they'll get it. They seem like nice people with good brains.
Believe it or not, both my kids loved sushi at 18 months.
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