OH! and please note the hideously disgusting new header...courtesy of my former best friend who actually does graphic design for a living and is, and i quote, "a photoshop mother fuckin god." it's temporary y'all..no worries...at least until i make photoshop my bitch.
the characters are uber cute though, no?
1. my roommate and i once: a night would go on a cha run. why? the shit is da bomb, and it was like our thang. lived with five other chicks, and usually it was only the dude and i who would go. awwww *tear*2. never in my life have i: felt like i belong. guess that's how it goes when you never stay put long enough to grow roots..and even if it's not, that's what i'm going to continue to tell myself so that i don't hate-on myself more than i already do. k?! k!
3. the one person who can drive me nuts, but then can always manage to make me smile is: definately my family...especially as of late. lots of people drive me nuts, but that's the reason i love them and continue to talk to them...they drive me fucking batty, but at the end of the day i'd rather them be there driving me nuts than not be in my life at all.
4. high school was: misrable. i hated every single fucking minute i spent in the defined range of ninth to twelfth grade. academically it was a cake walk, socially it was decent, personally it's a time i would be more than happy to erase from my memory, my self esteem, and my wrists.
5. when I'm nervous: i talk faster, if possible, i say lots of shit i shouldn't, and i actually shake. and people wonder why i refuse to do any form of public speaking.
6. the last time i cried was: eh i plead the fifth on this one.
7. if i were to get married right now, my bridesmaids/groomsmen would be: i really haven't thought about it. well, i'm female..so of course i have most of my wedding planned but i don't know who i'll know when that time comes(..if it comes..)so why worry about shit until shit happens? and if anyone knows a guy dumb enough to marry me, send him my way..yea?
8. Would you rather run naked through a crowded place or have someone e-mail your deepest secret to all your friends? i'd run naked...just cause streaking is fun fun...and i really have no deep dark secrets seeing as i'm an open book with most things. i can't handle knowing people are disappointed in me or that i failed to meet their expectation, so i would rather people see my fat ass fly naked-style, than have to deal with not being what people think i am.
9. my hair: is about five different colors, and i kinda like it. i'm also getting the itch to do something fun with it. of course i have to deny that itch because i have to be as non descript as possible to make anything worthwhile out of my life and succeed. yee-fuckin'-haw.
10. when I was 5: i really had no idea what i was getting myself into. at all.
11. last christmas: i did what all jews do...i got some chinese take-out and watched a movie.
12. when i turn my head left:i am looking left. i also just got a whiff off my dogs heinous post ass-licking breath. uchhhh. thank god for those mint flavored bones i got for her
13. i should be: studying for my final exam tomorrow, but why would i want to do that when i can fill out a neato survey about something no one gives a shit about: me!
14. when i look down i see: the floor, dumbass.
15. the craziest recent event was: my whole life is a crazy event...but i'd say deciding to move all of fifty feet down the hall was a pretty crazy idea on my part. that's how i roll, though. two years in one spot, and i need out. now, i'm out.
16. if i were a character on "friends" i'd be: the perverted one who has to have a beep inserted in almost every other line of dialogue.
17. by this time next year: i really hope shit is different, but i'm not going to put a single fucking egg in that basket. hope is one opiate i can't cut the addiction to, but i can bury it extremely deep down inside.
18. my favorite aunt is: i don't have any aunts. my one uncle is divorced, so his wife is no longer my aunt seeing as they are no longer married, and my dad's sister lives in her own little world that doesn't include me or my brother...or my parents really, unless she wants money.
19. i have a hard time understanding: people. i don't understand them, and i can't figure out if i'm really the fucked up one, or if the majority of people in this world are just really that idiotic, careless, disrespectful, lazy, shitty, self-serving, egotistical, and not really worth knowing.
20. one time at a family gathering: one time? oh please. my family meets all the fucking time, and most of the time it's usually a good time. note i said most, not all.
21. you know i like you if: i talk to you at all. if i go out of my way for you in any way, that's pretty much another sign. if i don't talk to you, or don't bother to see you etc...odds are i couldn't give a shit about your existence. i'm bitchy and shitty like that.
22. if I won an award, the first person (people) i'd thank: is the academy.
23. take my advice: never. i suck at giving advice. seriously. maybe it's cause i'm a gemini, maybe it's cause i'm the adhd child from hell, but i can't think of things from one angle. multiple angles=shitty shitty advice. you've all been warned.
24. my ideal breakfast is: cold chinese food. yes, i know it's disgusting. yes, i know i'm fucking weird...but i don't really like breakfast food.
25. if you visit my home town: you will probably fear for your life...and not understand a word people say.
26. sometime soon I plan to visit: israel..if it still exists.
27. if you spend the night at my house: you must either be extremely hot, extremely well hung, or got me extremely drunk.
28. i'd stop my wedding if: i don't think i ever would. it would take a lot for me not to go through with it...i rock huh?
29. the world could do without: mosquitos. they serve no purpose in this world, at all..other than to spread disease. fuckers! oh, and the world could do without fuckers, too.
30. i'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: have to suck the cockroach up with a vacuum...cause that thud sound is absolutely nauseating.
31. the most recent thing I've bought myself is: the asian style room divider so that my cats litter box isn't the first thing you see when you walk in the door...and it's somehow turned into the end all be all of odor too. yes!
32. the most recent thing someone else bought for me is: nothing.
33. my favorite blonde is: my daddy, with the dude coming in a close second.
34. my favorite brunette is: yea, so everyone i know outside of the two aformentioned blondes are brunette, so i'm going to abstain from naming a single person and enduring a major verbal ass-kicking from any of them.
35. my car must have a sign on it that reads: "it'd be swell if you'd decide to change lanes while going slightly over the speed limit just as i approach you going well over ninety-five miles per hour" because it never fails! fucking ass clowns.
36. the last time i was drunk: i don't remember..it's been a really, really, really long time and that really, really, really needs to change.
37. the animals i would like to see flying besides birds: cows!how awesome would that be? see bessy flying towards you? and think of how great it would be when they decided it's time to take a dump? yea, you thought you were pissed when a bird shat on your car..muhahah!
38. i shouldn't have been: there, or here, or anywhere. yet? here i be. bleh.
39. have you ever shaved your pubic hair? that's how i roll, biatch.
40. last night i: went to sleep at 11pm. thank you ambien!
41. there's this girl i know who: is trapped by the erected walls of others, and is desperately trying to find a way out...she never will, so move on, move on, move on.
42: i don't know: why i'm broken or how to fix it.
43. a better name for me would be: my name was supposed to be jennifer, actually...which i'm rather happy my dad pretty much refused to allow. no idea what i should be named, most people just call me what they want.
44. if i ever go back to school i'll: be carrying a gun and some hand grenades..'cause when i'm done, i'm done..no more!
45. how many days until my birthday?: who cares? i hate my birthday and you should to.
46. one dead celebrity i wish i'd met is: einstein, 'cause he's my boy!
47. i've lived at my current address since: monday
48. i've been told I look like: i get sandra bullock a lot...no idea why.
49. if i could have any car, it would be: a porsche gt2..thank you very much.
50. if i got a new cat tomorrow, i would name it: uhh i have a dog and a cat..do you really think adding another cat to my collection is a smart idea? i can barely afford the two pets i have now, so you can take that "new cat" you want to give me tomorrow and keep it, you asshole. why would you get a cat and expect me to take it when you realized it's a bigger responsibility than you anticipated? take some goddamn responsibility for your actions! you are what's wrong with society!
mosquitos vs. tsnuami
cage match
tsunami damnit
Good luck on that exam. Plus, you gotta work on that public speaking thing. I think you'll need it.
also good luck on that exam.
as for public speaking ? i'm like that and yet i teach for a living. go figure.
I'm a little concerned about the licking of the cockroach belly......ewww
Alright..that was a lot. First I'll say you're not broken..and A PORSCHE!?!?!? The engine's in the wrong end. Hell, just look at the resale value. You pay $100k+ and in 2 years it's worth $35k. Porsche resale is horrible. Invest in classics, especially MOPAR. A vintage 1970 Plymouth Hemi Cuda will cost you about the same as the Porsche, is sexier and will double in price in 2 years.
nice list darlin' ... and wasn't there some guy who recently bought you a coffee cup and mailed it to you from a far-off destination? or not recent enough? LOL
ROTFL...glad you did this one. It's a fun one to do. Most people don't know why they are broken or how to fix it. But it doesn't mean you'll never know. And about the hair...I think you are just one of those people who is so beautiful you can get away with anything.
so i guess this means you like me? sweet! you're my first jewish pal! mazeltov or something!
what the fuck is cha?
Will: you can call me E still...and how can you like that header? ewwwwwww
Wes: mosquitos!
Knight: why will i need it?
Sass: yea, i do fine in small groups..but when it's something important..yea, bring on the shaking and speed talking.
Kristen: you need to hear the sound of cockroach being thunked into the holding tank of a vac...and you'll understand *shudder*
Chris: i don't do American cars, and don't hate on my gt2....and i won't say shit about you wanting a plymouth for your dream car =P
Dzer: hahaha i was thinking in the month...although that is the last thing anyone got for me, thank you!
Nat: perhaps, perhaps. still think my parents would shoot me if i showed up with any non-natural color in my hair.
Shane: o'davino'h'ai! cha=tea. dumbass.
what? i don't speak jew.
awwwww, all i said was "to life!"
Dude, consider me tagged.
The interweb has caught me and anally violated my computer. This will change.
Excuse my absence. Patience, I'll be down there soon.
I wish I could erase stuff for you. The wrist thing worries me.
I've so gotta try ambien. Insomnia is kicking my ass.
Take care sweetie
E: All legal positions require some amount of "public" speaking... even if it is minimal. I don't know what type of law you want to practice... but I was pretty nervous doing my first jury trial.
How well does that ambien work, I'm a bit of an insomniac and may need to get some sleep at some point.
Am I the only one that has seen flying cows?
Good luck with the exam.
Holy loud title.
this whole job thing has totally fucked up my life...i'm always last to the party now!!
1. AAAWWWWWWWW!!!!! MEMORIES!!!!! AAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! I'll go to cha this weekend yust for joo! And I'll even get the green apple -- osmose it through me or some shit, k?! k!
19. Nope, it's not just you. All people suck THAT much. Once that sinks in you'll start feeling really good. Kinda. And then you'll just go back to being pissed at how fucked up people are.
23. You give good advice -- the plus of your advice is that it's up to the person who you're giving it to, to pick which advice of yours they want to take, which is always a good time.
33. AAAAWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! God, we should just sleep together...oh wait, we already have! Ha.
36. AMEN!!! I'm workin' on it, man.
43. I'm really glad you weren't named Jennifer. Uber glad. Uberuberglad.
48. At least you don't get Mariah fucking Carey. I'd take Sandra over Mariah any day of the week...and twice on Sundays.
49. W.O.R.D.
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