random thoughts....travel edition:
because sitting with no more than 3 oz of clear liquid
and pointless delays are a primetime to blog it out.
because sitting with no more than 3 oz of clear liquid
and pointless delays are a primetime to blog it out.
...when i was in high school i used to have a pixie hair cut, which for anyone out there who is totally clueless was a popular women's haircut in the late nineties and pretty much meant you had disgustingly short hair that was spiked up in the back, and slightly less disgustingly short hair in the front that was against your face. . anyway, i saw a guy--about high school age--with a pixie cut. LISTEN UP MEN! i understand and appreciate this movement in which men take care of themselves, but matching clothes, skin care and hair products, and smelling good are more than enough. stop with the other shit....unless you enjoy looking like/acting like/taking as long to get ready as a female. i've seen men wearing more eyeliner than i do, and sporting tighter pants than any nutsack should have to endure. enough already. it's not stylish, it's not hot, it's just a sign you're on a path to being a total homosexual. [fucking emos!]
...while waiting to through the metal detector machine thingy, the guy asked me if i had a shirt underneath the long sleeve shirt i was wearing....to which i said "yes"...and he than asked me to remove the long sleeve shirt to reveal my tank top....and no bra. while i was removing my long sleeve shirt, this woman looked over at the guy who asked me to take it off, rolled her eyes and then said "sorry" to me....makes me wonder if it's a security measure i take it off, or that guy being a total fucking pervert.
...dear parents: your kids, your responsibility. i'm single, i'm young, i don't have kids...thus? i am not looking at the ground to make sure i'm not going to run into your little shithead who is on some spazztic crash course throughout the airport. make sure your little bundle of annoyance doesn't run into people, not vice versa.
...three cheers to wrongly labelling the departure gate for my flight on every single fucking "information": screen within the airport. i understand that a 2 and a 1 are very close to each other on the keyboard, but someone in the amass of employees who really, to my knowledge, serve no real function other than to get self rightous and condescending when you actually have a reason to talk to them--which is usually a legitimate "your airline fucked up" reason. anyway, someone in that giant group of workers--and i use that term loosely because i'm really not sure how talking to your croanies equates to really working, but whatever--would have figured out that the departure gate was 12 and not 11. goddamn my misplaced faith in humanity! damn it to hell!
...to the woman who had her toddler son use the restroom while she waited outside the door: YOU ROCK! good lord, she should teach classes on motherhood, or something.
...why is that everytime i fly, i feel like absolute shit once the world goes from normal gravitational force and psi pressure to "cabin pressure"? it feels like my sinuses are going to bulge out of my eyes and like my head is going to implode. yummmmy!
...in an effort to be like every other american, i decided to jump on the dryer sheet bangwagon. my mom never used them, so i never used them because--and you can deny this all you want--everything you do, you usually do because your momma did it. anyway, i was curious to see what all the hype was about [for those wondering, no..i don't own an iron, i never have ironed anything in my life, and my clothes are never wrinkled..so boo yeyeah!]. bad idea. i've never been so fucking tichy in my entire life, and when i start to scratch the area breaks out into these hive like bumps. i actually have woken up in the middle of the night the past couple of days because i was so fucking itchy. so on top of scratching to the point of having engraved nail lines in my skin and to the point of actually bleeding, i have to rewash my entire closet of clothes and all of my towels and linens because my bitch ass skin is so fucking sensitive that anything that came in contact with the shit washed with the dryer sheets will make me continue to scratch my first layer of skin away.
...guitar hero II: best. fucking. game. EVER. after ssx tricky of course. buy it. you will not be disappointed, and you will not notice you have no social life.
...sofie got kennel cough [aka a respiratory infection]. what's strange is that i dropped her off on wednesday and when i arrived at my parents humble abode, i got a phone call saying that she had commenced coughing. that means one of two things: one, she actually got it from day care, which means a dog there is infected and i need to talk to the super sweet owner and make sure that they are watching the dogs to make sure no one is coughing and seperating them because i'm not too keen on spending another sixty plus bucks on antibiotics and cough supressants; or two: shit is so bad at the vet's kennel, they opted to start her on antibiotics and a cough supressant so as a preventative measure. i'm rooting for option two, because the last thing i need is to have to keep sofie home during the next few weeks from daycare because i have a shit-load of finals to study for, a giant tax project, and a thesis to polish and make bomb ass.
...mentos give me heart burn....who knew?!
...my family is fantastically small [yay hitler...that mass murdering fuck head], and the fact that my dad's sister is just a royal fucking idiot has made things a lot smaller. basically it's my momma, daddy, brother, me, gramps, and my uncle...and ocassionally my uncle's daughters. anyway, my dad's royal fucking idiot sister couldn't afford to fly her son home for thanksgiving [yet managed to afford a ps3....that make sense to anyone else? or am i just that mean?], so my pappy--the closet tender hearted soul he is--said her son could come to our place for thanksgiving. now, keep in mind that my dad's royal fucking idiot sister's husband despises my parents to the point of actually wishing upon them death. so, imagine how happy i was to be sitting there next to tweedle fucker and tweedle asshat's son, as he goes on and on about how wonderful his parents are while he's sitting in my parents house for thanksgiving because his mom didn't want to spend money to fly him home, and while my parents have to cosign all of his loans because his parents thought it was a better use of money to buy his father a bmw than save money for his college. i deserve a medal for not opening my mouth and just sitting there while he went on and on about his family.
...my flight from albany to cleveland was delayed for no apparent reason, for four hours. there have to be rules against that...no? and while i'm bitching about airport procedure, is it really that far fetched to have a screen that says on top of a plans arrival, the baggage claim number? i mean, as much fun as it is to play "find my carousel" i think it's fairly unecessary. no?
...my constant itching hasn't stopped, so after i got home last night at midnight...as opposed to the expected eight o'clock at night...i surfed webmd to find reasons for constant itching and solutions. what did i come up with? i have scabies, cancer, or both. fuck!
...blogging. i'm slacking on that front lately, and i know that. it's not that i don't absolutely love it, and it's not that i don't love having a window into other peoples lives....and it's certainly not that i don't read everyone's blog who appears in my blogroll [really, i read it all. sick eh?]...i just have nothing to comment on, or nothing worthwhile to comment on because i get there so late because of how busy i've been lately. i also have nothing worthwhile to write about on my own blog because i'm in a hole, so to speak, and i'm not averted to using this place as my sounding board and my outlet, but it's not like me to be visibly constantly in a rut. i'm not the kind of person who shows their emotions or how they feel easily, and i'm not the kind of person who likes to unload, and as a result of the relationships i've developed with my beloved readers....writing out what ails me has taken on the appeal of dumping. i know all signs point to me being relatively fucked in the head...but the funk that has characterized 2006 hasn't even remotely lifted, and i'm not too keen on dragging everyone down with my own stupid plights. so please don't take my absence the wrong way, and please don't take my lack of comments as me being a total bitch. i'm not crawling into myself, mostly because i don't think i can crawl any further....but i'm also not waving a flag of my adversity for all of blogland, because, quite honestly, it's not fair to you all and it's a terrible indication of who i am.
hope everyone had an awesome turkey day =0)
Gotta agree!!
Guitar Hero II - Total RAWK!!!
I could have written the last paragraph myself
Holla on the dryer sheets.
I was wondering about Guitar Hero....
And LMAO on the Hitler ref....
Don't worry, I'll still read.
Let's hope it's scabies rather than cancer; and sunburn rather than scabies.
Have you heard the Beatles LOVE album? My God, woman. That will put a spring in your step. I'm still in such a glow from hearing it that I'm barely noticing that this Prize Fighter Inferno album (Coheed side project) basically sucks.
At least you got to go somewhere rather than across town to see the same family you see a coule three times a month. My ENTIRE family (aunts, uncles, cousins, parents, sister..etc...) all live within 25 miles of one another. They say the apple don't fall far from the tree...no sh!t.
I'm voting pervert ... I woulda looked, I'm sure ... heh
No doubt that "security guard" just wanted to check out your rack. If I ever see you in a bar, I'm gonna try that line, seeing as how it worked so smoothly once.
Well, you'll have something to comment on my blog soon enough. I'm planning to totally slam that guitar hero game. :P
...speaking of dudes sporting chick-fashion - have you seen any of those teenage guys who hang out at malls wearing RIDICULOUSLY TIGHT jeans? Seriously - you can tell how much change these "guys" have in their pockets...
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