Thursday, November 30, 2006

tattoed love boys-i tore my knees up getting to you. i was a good time, i got pretty good. i shot my mouth off and you showed me what that hole is for

to anyone who gives a shit:

i don't have scabies! boo yea motha fuckah. i never really thought i did because even reading the description on webmd, which basically said "you're itchy"...i didn't have the itching on my hands, and the bumps didn't have any, say a burrowing mite would have. so, that's pretty fucking sweet, but it still begs the question of what the fuck is wrong with my skin. i'm really not keen on figuring out what the fuck i've developed an allergy to...because it can't be the dryer sheets since i spent all of last week at my parents house and it got worse. for now, i say fuck it...i shall bathe in the steroid cream she gave me and hope it will go away. i'm going to have the softest skin known to man between the 'roid cream and slathering myself in moisturizer everytime i start to get itchy....which is nearly hourly. who wants to feel the softness?
apparently some dumbfuck lawyer decided to represent a blind woman who thought it would be a good idea to sue the united states treasury for not making the paper currency of this country distinguishable. a dollar, feels like a fifty....and that poor little blind woman think it's discrimination and unfair, and that shit headed lawyer saw dollar signs, and the judge who heard the case actually fucking agreed. i totally understand that blind people are perfectly self sustaining individuals, and i admit it's a bit unfair that there is no way for someone to tell a buck apart from a fiddy...but it's pretty much been like that since the first paper money was printed, and for all these years no one has had a problem with it...and now, with our retarded "politically correct" society, it's an issue that warrants completely overhauling united states currency. fucking ghey! i hate lawyers.
i'm going to israel! *does the happy naked dance* how much do my parents rock? they're sending me and my bro to israel for a week and a half during my spring break...and we get to do whatever the fuck we want. you best believe i am going on a hunt to find the jewish man of my dreams...'cause if he ain't there, well? he doesn't exist and i can happily move on.
while making my schedule for the month of december---yes, i am that anal retentive--i realized that i only have five finals because i have to write a ton of papers and do a ton of projects; however, it then dawned on me that those five finals are on two days, and two days only. i'm so fucking screwed. to anyone who has to talk to me...and/or deal with me in the next two weeks, let me apologize now for being a complete psycho.
unlike most people who just tell me to fuck off when i get into self deprecating mode, my friend joe took a more pro-active approach after hearing it for a few months, and basically has made me his work out bitch. so, on top of muy thai and my daily runs, i got more running, a ton of weight training, and a diet that consists of protien shakes, protein bars, tuna fish, fruit cups, and water. i have to say, it has been a fucking horrible four months of that shit, and i especially wanted to take him out when he decided to double my already 6 mile daily runs, and cut out more of my caloric intake...and i nearly killed him when he sat there eating a twelve pack of ice cream sandwiches while yelling at me to keep doing more chest press reps, but the fucker knows what he is doing--and he does, he's a personal trainer and nutritionist. i'm nowhere near where i want to be, but i have to admit i'm rather impressed with this pic ry took

i know it's not a smart idea to take a nap in the sun room while you're three best friends are the only people at home with you, but i did it....and i got harassed like no fucking other. showcased in this lovely photo is e's hand going in for the "poke of death"---ie you pinch my side and i fly up into the air and squeal like a little pig...and in preparation, the "suck it in of defeat"--ie i tense up and pray i don't fly and squeal too badly.

for what it's worth, i had a blast spending time with all of them again...and i hate to admit it but i missed having ry in my life. but he's back...for better or for the four fucktards are united, and offending people all over. anyway....

and if anyone does taxes for a living, feel free to contact me and do my tax project for me....not that i don't want to waste over eight hours preparing every single fucking tax form required for this bullshit hypothetical....but i have better shit to moisturize and scratch myself.


Anonymous said...

Excellent taste in photography. Happy HNT hun.

Anonymous said...

HHNT! Beautiful pic.

tjayswift said...

LOVE the pic... I'm in Chicago... how far is that from Clevageland?

KJ said...

WOW ..........seriously thinking I need to hire your trainer.

you look amazing


Anonymous said...

Your rack is looking tight!

Make sure that you get off that roid cream before your finals because you don't want to fail the piss test and get suspended for 50 games.

DZER said...

utterly fucking delicious, my buttahed one!

Anonymous said...


Ok first I was gonna say all I want TO BE is that wicker loveseat couch or whatever the hell it is BUT do all the tax papers and I'll take care of the constant moisturizing...DEAL?

Sharon said...

Holy cow. Your hot!

sassinak said...

my friend watching me read your blog (whose gay) just looked over and said 'she looks overly scrawny'

so if you ever call yourself fat again i can just point you to this comment ;>

also? are you allowed to have three exams in one day?


have a blast in israel!

Jericho said...

I'm impressed, too... and more.