Thursday, October 12, 2006

i'm not faithless just paranoid of getting lost or that i might lose. ignorance is bliss cherish it. years have gone by, and i can't talk about it.

1. my bastard law school unilaterally decided that it would start spring semester a week early this year for no other purpose than to give those students taking the bar exam an extra week to study. congrats to those individuals taking the bar exam, really, i'm so proud of you for being such impulsive, compulsive, and overall selfish little whiney bitches that you got your wish of having an entire extra week to study for the three day bar exam. yup, fuck the fact that the last semester of law school is a joke, and lets completely negate the fact that you have at minimum six months to study for that test as well as the fact you still have to study for your final exams, regardless of when they are, and lets completely overlook the fact that the bar passage rate for the school has remained ninety-five percent fairly steadily from year to year to those individuals who didn't have an extra week....and lets change the entire schedule to the detriment of anyone not taking the bar exam. i expect nothing less from the people who mandated a school policy requiring professors to allow students to reschedule exams should they have more than two in a twenty-four hour period. fuckers.
2. i really do think i have the only dog in the world who will eat an entire bowl of food, drink a bowl of water, and have no desire to shit or piss 4 hours later when it's time to go out, simply because she doesn't like the location. she stares at me like i'm fucking nuts for asking her to go potty in the park across the street. o-well. it's her bladder and o-ring, not mine.
3. anyone who reads this blog knows i'm a rather aggressive driver, and that i'm pretty much the queen of road rage and the lead foot. thus, it probably doesn't shock you to find out that my license hath been suspended. what will shock you is the reason why. nope, not for excessive speeding tickets....nay nay to using the shoulder to pass dumbfucks.....negative ghostrider to it being a result of running one too many people off the road...yea, those things are not the reason. what's the reason? oh, i had an expired tag. yup! the fucking cop who was stuck behind me at a red light noticed my tag expired on the last day of june, so he pulled me over on the second day of july. the fucker pulled me over, talked to me, i explained to him that the car is a lease and becaues of that honda handles all of the dmv bullshit. he went to his car, he came back, he handed me a slip of paper and simply said "well, make sure you take care of that." how the fuck was i supposed to know it was a ticket, absent him saying so and handing me a piece of paper that didn't say anything that would lead me to believe it was a ticket? and how the fuck can he give me a ticket for something i have no control over? absent knowledge of it being a ticket, i assumed it was a warning, so imagine my shock to get a letter in the mail saying my license is suspended. congrats, mr. assfuck policeman. the streets are so much safer now that my expired tag is off the streets. i hope that fucker gets some mad explosive diarrhea.
4. i think i have a date today. insert the "j" accordingly. should be interesting...he's a medical resident. i have twenty bucks on him thinking i'm the antichrist and being absolutely appalled by me. i'm so excited!
5. the girl who sits next to me in white collar crime and who is also in my theories of justice class, has the most disgusting man hands i've ever seen. her hands are seriously larger than the keyboard of her shitty dell laptop, and her fingers are all bent and mangled. it's seriously disgusting, and it's seriously like a train wreck because i cannot help but stare at them. in addition to her having the most disgusting hands i've ever seen to date, she also thinks she's such hot shit, which is rather amusing because she's not disgustingly ugly, but she is far from the chick who has been dubbed "law school barbie" whom i admit is really cute.

anyway, it's thursday...and aside from the craptastic date, i also have my second accounting exam, so, pardon me for not having time to get all skankified for a picture....and really have no desire to get skankified for a picture seeing as my uterus seems to think it's a contortionist this week. so, instead of something skanky some tits, you get the most horrendous picture i have ever taken in my entire life, but that i feel the need to post because i told a certian someone [*cough* e *cough*] i wouldn't just toss it if he sent it to me and deleted it from his phone forever.

so, long story short. have a disgusting haggard picture of moi:

obviously it's old, seeing as my hair hasn't been dark brown for a while....and i suppose eventually i'll post a pic of me as my standard aubern hair colored self. anyway...

and sorry i've been a bit MIA from blog land this week. i've had three tests [gotta love accounting], two papers, and i get the joy of writing yet another thesis [about something i really would rather have a pelvic exam for an hour rather than write], i've had a rather full plate this week. i've read most of y'all, just haven't really commented. sorry

OH!, and i'm thinking it's time for a template revamp, seeing as i'm tired of this one...anyone have any ideas?


yournamehere said...

Nice pic, gorgeous.

A friend of mine is going to fix my template, hopefully. We'll see how it works.

Natalia said... are just beautiful... el bedroom-o eyes :) I do love the dark hair, though.. I have been feeling like playing with my hair again...I could have written playing with myself...but my email inbox might have been flooded with emails from pervies :) tee hee You take the time off blogland you need... we are here when you get back...arms open :)


Sharon said...

I don't know what you are talking about. You are totally hot. And I am not saying that in a lesbian way. Your not only hot but you are smart and hot. No fair!

Johnny Menace said...

#4... i have $20 bucks there is a short period of awkwardness and you say "Did you see grey's anatomy last week?" to break the silence... and he utters "I hate that fucking show".. which spurs on a lenghty one side debate on what's real in the show........ ...... any other takers?

DZER said...

damn those cops! and whiny legal students! and persnickity doggies!

and you don't always have to flaunt yer boobage at us ... we're here for snark!


flounder said...

I decided not to be a lawyer because I know that I could never pass the bar. least not without going in for a few green bottles.

flounder said...

And stop picking on yourself. You're a damn good looking woman and your little doctor friend better appreciate your company.

KJ said...

My license was suspended once but I didn't know it........drove around for a year or more on suspended, until I got pulled over for a busted tail light and then fun times.......they arrested me.

good times, good ties

Happy's a great pic

da buttah said...

YNH: wow, you popped the ol' comment cherry :) i'm rather disappointed you didn't ask me to fix your template *sniffle*, though i'm sure he'll do an awesome job :)

Nat: i agree, and i kind of miss the dark hair. although, now that it's winter--seriously, it's 36 outside today--and i'm getting pale, the auburn makes me look less goth, which, unbeknownst to me, i am. i say you play with your hair, and while that sets, you play with yourself :) best of both worlds!

Sharon: how is it not fair? you're both too! and i look like an evil witch in that pic!

Johnny: funny you should mention that seeing as he's a gray's anatomy addict. i've never even seen the show, lose. give me $20

Dzer: here for snark eh? i'm snarky?!

Flounder: the bar exam isn't terrible, if you think about it. you have all the time in the world to study for it, and it's mostly a matter of memorizing statutes and exceptions. i don't know, i'm not that worried. the only thing that worries me is that i'm the type of person that would wait until the week before to even think about opening the study guides and shit. and thank you, but i'm thinking doctor friend isn't gonna like me too much.

Kristen: i had no idea i even had the ticket, and because i moved i never got the "pay your fine" letter. bastards. i need to get it taken care of, it's just a pain in the ass to go get a cashiers check for the amount, send it into the mayor of that town with my proof of insurance, and then wait patiently for them to send it to the dmv, who i have to pay money too as well. perhaps it'll be my friday outing.

flounder said...

Give the guy a chance, E. If you go in thinking that he won't like you then you are doomed to that outcome.

da buttah said...

Vlad: yea, i'm sick of it though. actually, i really hate the gray. and i have no social life anyway.

Flounder: yea...doomed outcome, i think the fact the dudes from jdate dooms it more than my mentality :)

flounder said...


(I am such a married guy.)

da buttah said...

oh yes. jewish dating service *gag*

Anonymous said...

Date...I'm so jealous. I figured you were just waiting for my wife to finally get booted out so we could be together forever and ever and play in our own little land of make-believe of prancing ponies and sex toys. Still like the face even if you don't.

Unknown said...

That expression screams "Go fuck yourself, dickweed." And I love it. It's

da buttah said...

Chris: haha! i love your new profile pic, looks vaguely familiar ;) I wouldn't worry about homeboy encroaching on what we got going should your wife ever decide to up and go. ponies? you homo. i'll take the transformers please.

Fireballs: why thank you. glad i am the embodiment of "go fuck yourself" :)

flounder said...

You only date Jewish guys?

No wonder you are so frustrated.

Scumbag said...

yeah, you should start dating japs. i bet they could really help you out with them accounting classes.

jesus killer.

da buttah said...

no no no. i've never dated a jewish guy, but it's kind of one of those family appeasing things. long story Flounder.

Shane: if i didn't kill him, you wouldn't be white trash.

white_devil said...

date my pee wee

Anonymous said...

What a prissy little dog :)

Miss you Devil.

bad influence girl said...

um so you would rather have three exams on one day? why?

and dude? you're gorgeous, why cna't you beleive it? like look at that pic but pretend it isn't you... see how pretty that girl is??

ATLLG said... week has sucked to but I'm commenting as I wait for the pool chems to mix prior to taking the last reading for the day and then getting drunk... good luck on your tests/papers...I would say good luck on the date but no you are too cute for some dr mcdreamy wannabe....