Tuesday, September 26, 2006

i am just a worthless liar, i am just an imbecile, i will only compicate you, trust in me and fall as well. why can't we not be sober?

so i really only have one thing to say:

*happy naked dances like a mother fucker all up and down blog land*

and it was **awesome**, so fucking awesome it deserves two of those gay little shift-eight start thingies...because two is better than one, and my ears are ringing so fucking loud i can't hear a fucking thing.

that is also **awesome!!**

i've been meaning to see Tool since around, ohhhh....lets say the mid 1990's when i first heard "prison sex," but i kept on missing them, so i was beyond stoked to see them, and i was beyond orgasming the entire two hours they played.

i've seen a perfect circle twice, but never tool. so, this was huge for me!

the opening band pretty much sucked. the name of the band is isis, i think, and it was just a bit too much going on at once. it was like pink floyd and pantera mated, and isis was the product..and to me it just didn't work. you can't go from all these intricate melodies and harmonies to gutteral screaming into the microphone and insanely heavy guitars over and over again each time you shift from a chorus to a verse. it's either one or the other, or pull the uber metal cliche and start out all whimsical and awesome and then float on into the gutteral bullshit. the ping pong match betwene gutteral and harmony is just haggard, in my opinion...which really doesn't count for much to begin with.

but tool! ohh sweet glorious tool! how do i love thee! let me count the ways:

1. they started with my absolute favorite tool song, "stinkfist." yes, i know that is probably the most cliche song you could ever have be a tool favorite...but, you can fucking blow me. that's the song i play whenever i'm in my dark place, and it takes me to a less dark place. regardless, a band playing your favorite song by them at a show is awesome, but playing it first is like some devine sign that this show is for you...or at least that's what i'm going to tell myself, so back off bitches!

2. maynard quickly took off his shirt shortly after appearing on stage. scrump-dee-lee-ump-tious! for that i will totally forgo the horridness of the cowboy hat and the giguntor belt buckle..for seeing chiseled abs in awesome mood lighting while that voice is filling the room is just pure sex.

3. the show was not about anything other than the music. half the time maynard had his back to the audience, most of the time the stage was lit by a dark-ish color with lots of vivid lasers going around the room so that you weren't really looking at the stage, but at the lasers and absorbing the entire experience. i like that. i like the no frills shows. don't get me wrong, they had a pretty intricate light show, but even still it wasn't overbearing or insane. it was there to enhance the music.

4. they played what they wanted. i hate it when bands just play their "hits" so-to-speak. i never in a million years thought they would play the entierty of "10,000 days" but they did. it's an amazing song, but it's not really what i would call concert material, but they played it anyway. they played all of "rosetta stone" as well. also didn't think they would play that either. i mean they played their more known songs like "aeinima," "schism," and "parabola," but as far as the new cd goes they totally played whatever the fuck they wanted, and that rocks my socks.

5. they sounded perfect. i swear, if i wasn't staring at a stage and watching them perform, i would have sworn it was just the cd playing. they jammed, and rocked out, but everything sounded flawless. his vocals were dead-on. *sigh* it was so dreamy!

6. they never left the stage. you know how most bands leave the stage before the encore? nope! not them! they put their instruments down, and sat down on the stage and were just kind of looking out at us. everyone had a lighter lit, so they all pulled out their lights and were waving them. say it with me: awww!

7. at the very end, they actually applauded us. the four of them also engaged in a giant group hug before they left the stage. say it with me again: awww!
anyway, i actually snuck my digital camera into the show..but of course i was seated by where the policemen were chilling. fucking figures! i got some decent shots though. if you want to see the larger image click it! [click it real good!] most of them are of maynard..but he is the main guy, and he was the only guy that wasn't always lurking in the side shadows...which the other band members seemed to do. here are a few of the better ones:

and for those playing at home, no i didn't end up sitting alone. my friend derrick who initially said he would forgo his front row ticket to sit with me actually did it. i'm shocked. why would anyone give up front row seats? lord only knows, but i was happy i wasn't sitting there rocking out all alone.


Faltenin said...

Sounds like a cool night out!

No video links? :(

Anonymous said...

Did Maynard get you so hot that you took derrick home and bang him? I hope so since you claim to only tease but we allknow you love to do way more than that.

da buttah said...

Faltenin: i would have had they not been yelling at people with cell phones trying to take pictures, let alone me with an actual digital camera. bastards! i'm sorry :(

YourFavGuy: don't make me ban your ip.

flounder said...

I'm not down with Tool, but I'm glad you had a good time.

I'm more of a Big and Rich and Jimmy Buffett fan.

Anonymous said...

Good for you..glad you got to go see them. I saw them a couple years ago and Maynard was wearing, what appeared to be, black hot pants with half of his head painted black. He's strange but you're right...that voice. It's unlike anyone else in music..you always know it's him. Sounds like the opening band was better at your show than the one I saw...I saw Meshuggah. THEY WERE AWFUL!!! The Tool show made up for having to put up with that noise though.

Anonymous said...

a buddy of mine went to the dallas show a couple aof weeks ago and said the first hour they played maybe four of their longest songs.

and to flounder: goddamn, fucking big and rich!?

Anonymous said...

one more thing, i just came back to check the pics and it certainly doesnt look as if maynard has a chiseled six-pack. maybe its just the lighting, but i really dont care anyway. as long as you were gushing thats all that matters...

da buttah said...

Flounder: haha jimmy buffet eh? i have had a cheeseburger in paraside ;) i was one happy girl at that show, i will admit.

Chris: Meshuggah aren't...well...yea, okay they are pretty bad. maynard is a fucking weirdo, but hey...who isn't?!

Carlos: they played their longest song [10,000 days] in the middle, and i totally spaced out. and, i don't mean chiseled like the cover of muscle mag, i mean defined and scrumptious. what can i say..i dig tall skinny boys.

sassinak said...

i dig tall skinny boys too... but honey? that boy is not tall. fucking hot, but not tall.

i was there on saturday with hubris... it was so much fun watching him and his sister bang heads!

yournamehere said...

Fuck yeah! I always wanted to see Tool. I'm glad you got the chance.

BadGod said...

I see tool every morning. And by 'tool', I mean cock. And by 'cock' I mean my own.........this comment sounds gay. And by 'gay', I mean homo.

OK terrific!

KJ said...

Very cool.......glad you had a great time

da buttah said...

Sass: he's 6'0'', and from where i was sitting he looked tall :)

Mimi: i think i may be in love with your son! it really was a great show. then again, i think seeing a band you love is always a euphoric experience

YNH: you should have come on up to cleveland! i'm shocked the show didn't sell out.

Badgod: you aren't gay? shit! now i have to talk you and your cock. so many people to stalk, so little time.

Kristen: it was funtastic :)

Scumbag said...

elle, we're playing survivor again at our blog. you in?

da buttah said...

sure..i'm in

ATLLG said...

Wow..have I really been failing to keep up this badly ( my last read you were po'd that the dude was basically not going )?
I'm sorry. Glad you had a great time!
I hope you were prepared to go without him.

Oh by the way in my catching up I SAW the B-Day HNT. Kneeling before the awesome db.

AND ( never short winded ) I love the class "extra point" story. Classic.


Anonymous said...

I caught the show a few days later in DC. You're right, it kicked ass. (check my blog, if you're into crappy reviews.)

Nice write-up of the show, and great pics!