Monday, September 25, 2006

so one last touch and then you'll go and we'll pretend that it meant something so much more but she is beautiful and she don't mean a thing to you.

i had an intermediate accounting test last tuesday, which, if you must know, i did rather well on considering i only looked at the material for a total of two hours before the exam. yes, procrastination is my forte, but at least i still nanage to get the "a."

anyway, i'm happily test taking...filling in my scantron for the multiple choice and doing all the problems required, but one of the questions just tripped me the fuck up: "which of the following is not true about materiality?"

every single option from letter "a" to letter "d" was correct, with "d" specifically saying "all of the above are correct." hmmmm, logical fallacy much? our class ends at 7:45pm, but the test went until 8:30 and when he gave us the last call for time, i just left that one blank.

that takes us to thursday. we got the test back [i got an "a" *happy naked dances* uh! what now bitches?!! tee hee], and as we're going through the multiple choice and this devil question takes the lovely stage for discussion.

now, i hardly show up at class...and when i do show up i'm in the way fucking back kind of hiding, mostly doing homework for my next class, always texting with people and never paying, i kind of felt like a jack ass raising my hand and trying to argue with the guy...but, what kind of lawyer wannabe would that make me? yea...exactly! so, i raise my hand and lay out my argument:
"if the question is asking which of the following is not true, and all of them are true, how can there be an answer? the only way there could be a correct answer would be if you asked for which of them is the most true, and then i can see why "d" is the correct answer."
the entire class was looking at me like i was the biggest fucking idiot to land in a classroom...especially a masters program classroom. the professor looked at me and blinked a few times, read the question to himself--lips moving and shit--and then looked back at me and said "you're right. there is no correct answer to that question. i guess i'll have to give everybody two extra points."

yup. i got everyone two extra points on their test...and even still, no one fucking bothers to talk to me. what the shit?!!

and yes, i'm aware that the categories i've created don't work..but baby steps people....and i also know that the font is fucking huge in internet explorer and tiny in firefox...which i have o idea why sorry?


Natalia said...

I loved this... :) And, rock!


KJ said...

I would have thanked you over and over for getting everyone 2 extra points......congrats on being right :)

That rocks

DZER said...

since they wouldn't ... let me bow to your keen mind ...*DZER bows* ... heh

flounder said...

Another unanswerable question.

Can God create a rock so heavy that not even He can lift it?

da buttah said...

Natalia: why thank you :D

Kristen: i'd thought at least someone would maybe smile at me, or say something...but no. walked out, straight face. i hate fucking grad students

Dzer: i love it when you bow down to just feels so....right ;)

Flounder: well if he created the rock for the specific purpose of himself not being able to lift it, i'd say....yes?

Ryan G. said...
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Scumbag said...

how come so many chicks wanna fuck me?

flounder said...

But he is all-powerful, so He can lift anything.

See, it's unanswerable.

da buttah said...

Ryan: that is always my initial concern. as long as the tits are true to life, then we're all good.

Shane: for the same reason guys hate me. the world may never know.

Flounder: but if he can lift anything, then there is an answer. it's just a circumstantial answer =P

Scumbag said...

i don't hate you.

da buttah said...

awwww, you don't?!

oh..well, it's cause i have big tits, right?