Thursday, November 16, 2006

you've got to teach me how to live, because you make me want to die. you took it all away,now all i've got are words of wisdom from your tyrant mouth

i know i promised i'd be more prevalent in blog land this week, but...well...apparently i lied. well, not lied, but i seemed to have misappropriated the time i would have spent on blog land doing other shit that is really not nearly as writing another fucking thesis for god know's what reason....learning the income tax code for another exam....and plotting ways to sue the fuck out of time warner cable, who will go down...oh yes, mark my words...they will...but i'll explain that later.

and might as well start later now...

as i said in a previous post, time warner has decided it'd be really fucking awesome to disconnect my cable, and to make it even more fun they would disconnect my cable for their own fucking errors. long story short, i moved...and in moving, i closed the account at my previous apartment and opened an account at my current apartment. the bank, for some reason, failed to update their records for payment and continued to post payment to my old account, and because no payment had been posted to my new account for four months time warner disconnectd my shiz. i called my bank, straightened things out with them..then called time warner, and seemingly straightened my shit out with them too. my cable was turned back on.

one week later, i got a knock on my door...and guess who it was? a time warner representative! he was there to take my cable box away, unless i was going to pay the minimum payment due to my account. i then had to explain to him what was happening, but c'mon...he's there to pick up a cable box and he has no idea what was i write him a check for the minimum amount do and proceeded to call time warner, again, to see what the fuck was going on. once again, i was assured that things were taken care of, and always "sorry for any inconvenience, thank you for choosing time warner" as if i had a choice in my cable company..seeing as they have a fucking monopoly, and bought the company that used to provide my cable and therefore got my account.

one week after that, on the day payment for month number was due, my cable was disconnected again. i called in, and low and behold, no one did shit about transferring the funds fro my old account to my new account, which would have led to a credit balance on my current account. nope, no one. so, i had to explain the entire thing over again to another dumbass service representative, who, once again turned my cable on and assured me that things were taken care of.

three days after that, my cable was once again disconnected. i called in, and was told it was disconnected for failure to make payments in total of five, once again i had to explain what happened. the dipshit representative, only then, decided to look at my account and noticed that there was a request put in for a transfer of the funds, and that no one had approved it yet, and since three days had past--because three is always the magic number--and no payment was made to my account, therefore my cable was disconnected. after about ten minutes of me fairly calmly explaining to this broad that disconnecting my cable for their own bureaucratic lethargy, and error is ludicrous, especially given the fact that they know they are going to get payment as soon as someone gets off their fat ass and decides to approve the fund transfer.

three days later, which would be tuesday november fourteenth, my cable was disconnected yet again; however, this time it was permanently. yup, no more click the mouse and it's turned back on...this time to get it reconnected someone actually has to come to my apartment building and re-connect me. fantastic...i explained to yet another dumbfuck customer service representative who probably is the educational equivalent of my dog what was going on, and, of course she couldn't do anything and because i was calling rather late--after class at 9pm--her supervisor wasn't there for me to talk to, and she decided to be uber kind and waive the reconnection fee. when is the next avaialble date for reconnection? november twenty-second. yup! to get some fat ass in a time-warner van to swing by my apartment for about ten minutes and flip a few switches is going to take at least a week and a half of waiting on my own part; yet, she also said she would try to have someone come out and do it on the fifteenth and would have her supervisor call me.

well, it's almost midnight on the fifteenth, and no one has bothered to call me. meanwhile, approximately four-hundred dollars is sitting in an account that was closed by me, and that, regardless of that fact, is not connected to any service, an additional two hundred dollars is missing from my account in order to retain my cable box and modem as a result of their dumb-fuckery, and i am without cable internet and tv.

that is where my extreme desire to fuck them over has taken a new life....because, guess what? they weren't entitled to that four hundred dollars they received in the first place, and that entire sum of money should not be sitting there in a defunct account because the first payment that posted to the account after my closing it should have been returned to the bank...thus? all four hundred and some dollars just sitting there awaiting transfer to my current account--should that ever fucking happen--was rather fraudulently obtained because i closed the account when i opened my current account, and even regardless of that, they are not entitled to collect payment for services they never rendered...which, they can't have rendered because the account is inactive, as verified by the woman i talked to last night concerning why time warner are a bunch of fucking cable nazi's and enjoy punishing people for their own issues. moreover, i am without an internet connection (in theory, seeing as i can swipe it from someone else in the building, but shh) which is critical to my educational endeavors, the payment of all my bills and keeping my finances in order, and is central to my employment. oh yes, they fuck up...and have fucked me out of getting my class assignments, and adequately doing my part time legal job. furthermore, i refuse to pay any portion of my montly payment for which i was disconnected from service, because it's their fault i was disconnected to begin with, and i'll be fucking damned if i'm going to pay for an entire week and a half of service that i didn't even get because they decide to take their sweet ass time in approving an influx of money, but not when it comes to disconnecting someone.

so, while i peruse pertinent statutes to see if i actually have any kind of case against the fuckers (other than the fact they are a monopoly), any input would be appreciated. i may be a legal-bitch in training, but my real world experience is pretty non-existent, especially because i avoid all tort and criminal aspects like it's the mother fucking plague.

and to top it all off, my secured transactions professor has pneumonia...and thus we now have a new professor. prior to starting with the new professor, the dean told us that should the original professor not be well enough to write an exam, we would all just receive a pass for the class, and that's it. now, i'm thinking that's a prettyt sweet deal...because not only do i get an automatic pass for the class, but that's also one less exam i have to study for....but, in a spectacle that my law-student-hating-ass couldn't have even fellow classmates were actually rather livid over this situation. why? i have no fucking idea....but they are rather pissed they took a class and may not get a grade for it. what the fuck is wrong with them?! take the fucking pass, take the fact you have one less exam to study for, and shut your fucking mouths already.

and, as if that all weren't enough to make me question the validity of the first commandment that so affectionately says "thou shalt not kill," i get a call from my vet today regarding sofie's boarding next seems that there is a fuck-all strain of kennel cough working it's way through the kennel community of ohio, and they wanted me to know that before i dropped her off for boarding so that i may make other arrangements should i so choose. so...after basically telling me that this fuck-all strain of kennel cough is in every kennel they have talked to, they really have left me lots of leeway to make other arrangements? not to mention it's thanksgiving and i'm guessing that everywhere is probably booked, seeing as i had to make these arrangements back in july. to make matters even more fun, should she get this fuck-all strain of kennel cough, i will have to pay for the treatment...seriously, it really is like having a child.

in other not so fascinating news, i got my hair did....and it looks exactly the same:

makes me wonder why i pay so much, you know?

anyway, i'm going home for turkey not sure how much time i'll have to post seeing as i'm going to have to fight my mother for the computer, and that's a battle i rarely ever win on account of her being a lot bigger and way more overbearing than i may ever be. thus, i want to wish you all a great weekend, a fantastic week, and a balls-to-the-walls mother fucking awesome turkey day =0)


Natalia said...

I misappropriate time's like a hobby. And I too have the desire to fuck some people over. But I don't find the time for that...because of the above hobby. And I also don't make time to get my hair did. Ugh! I am so wanting to die it.

Loving the pic, though.


KJ said...

Geezus......I have no advice on this one but hell....I'd be pissed

Good luck with the Kennel Cough thing

and Happy HNT and try to enjoy your time away for Thanksgiving

Anonymous said...

well I had about the same amount of pissedoffness with "the cable company" ....

Here is my solution. Who is your cellular provider? Get a broadband card for internet from them. (I'm assuming you are using a laptop since your currently stealing your internet from your unsecured wireless neighbor ). INTERNET = Done.

CALL DIRECTV. Best move I've made.

flounder said...

Here is my advice:

Go down to the cable company office early in the morning on the day when they are having their trash picked up. Stay with me here...

When the trash truck has the giant dumpster in the up position in their parking lot, flash him! Show him them tig ol bitties. Rub them a little, pinch and lick your nipples, that kind of stuff.

With any luck, he will forget that the dumpster is in the up position and drive out of the parking lot taking the strand with their fiber optic cable down in the process. (Usually, they all leave the site on the same strand and separate a few blocks away.) Since there is usually no slack anywhere near or in the site, it will take them days to repair everything, and you will have your revenge my dear.

And I say bring Sophie with you!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Knight said...

OK... legal-bitch in training... from legal-asshole with experience...

Review the terms of your contract. See if there are any things related to dispute resolution, like an arbitration clause and company's responsibility in billing errors...

Let me know what you find.

tjayswift said...

There's someone more overbearing than you? ;)

BadGod said...

Uh yeah, I didn't read your post. I can only assume it involved something about you and your best friend having a topless pillow fight and then making out.

I heart you!

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's a blessing in disguise. Television is so overrated anyway...a passing fad, at best. :P

Anonymous said...

I am going through some major Elle withdraw.

Anonymous said...

Hello nappy one.

Yer site tweaks the gitters and smacks the splitters.

Well done young one...

Anonymous said...

I stopped by for some HNTD (Half Naked Turkey Day) titties, but I am going away disappointed.

Daniel said...

Banks and cable companies are not to be trusted. Especially banks, since I have experience with them not being trustworthy. This is why I keep all my money in a shoebox under my bed. Would you like to know my address too?