second...let us experience a day at the gyno with elle, shall we?
- nothing about the gyno is fun. nothing. and even the question of "do you take birth control?" kind of carries a stigma with it that really has no place being in a doctor's office, let alone a doctor's office that pretty much specializes in the horrible effects of sex [aka child birth], but whenever the question of "do you take birth control?" is asked at the gyno's it carries this sort of supposition that if you say "yes" and you are unmarried you are out there fucking everything you can...or maybe that's just my gyno's office, and just the way the nurse thinks...either way, when i answered "yes" she then followed up with "and are you sexually active?" to which i said "i have been, but i haven't been in a while." "so what? like a month?" "no, more like almost a year." "oh." and then just looked at me with total and complete disbelief the entire rest of thet ime we talked. hoo-hum.
- i got into the room, i got butt ass naked...but i left my socks on 'cause it's freezing outside and thus freezing inside on account of it being rather unseasonably cold...put on the hideous gown, which i strangely look rather cute in [sad eh? i look good in fucking hospital gowns, but not actual clothing...], sat down, and commenced reading this months "car and driver." the doctor walks in, introduces himself, and then looks at me rather strangely and says "are you reading a car magazine?" "yes." "really? your boyfriend into cars?" "no, no boyfriend, i just really like cars." "well isn't that interesting!" snarf.
- there is something insanely strange about getting your tits felt up for lumps, while you and the doctor from south africa engage in conversation about shark attacks.
- after begrudingly placing my legs in the stirups, he muttered a "good god!" with regard to the bell i have on my to speak. "did that hurt?" "not really." "does it help? you know, with sexual stimulation?" "i guess so yea." "you guess?" "well, i really haven't had a prime opportunity to use it." and then he just kind of gave me this look of disbelief.
- while doing my exam, and the fun fun pap smear, he actually said "you know? most girls come in and say they aren't very active sexually, and most of the time things say otherwise and i don't believe them, but i have to say that i completely believe you after doing your exam. " i guess i'm tight as a two year old. yay.
- before i got to un-hostpital robe myself and put my clothes on, he told me to say hi to my mother. *shudder*
Say hi to your mother--that's hilarious!
i was uncomfortable the entire time i was reading this post...
tight as a two year old
that has to be one of the best ways scare off a potential romp in the sack..
"hey wanna bang? im tight as a two year old"
Us guys will never get (thank you) how bad the gyno has to be. But I'm still laughing my ass off.
But I'm also really mad. What is with the dumb ass men around you. No Panties, pierced taco, works out, knows cars, is smart, has attitude and is hot. WTF!
Oh and gets great concert tickets!
Hearing a doctor say good god! during an exam is never a good thing.
Hearing a doctor say that while he is staring at your cha-cha has got to be downright frightening.
I can't believe your doc has never seen a pierced taco. Christ, he looks at twats all day, you'd think he would have seen a few!
Obasso: yea, hilarious for you! not so funny when the guy who just had his head in your cooch is friends with your mother! i swear, there isn't one doctor in that fucking office that doesn't know my momma well.
Carlos: you know you want it. just wait 'til you get a speculum shoved into your ass. oh yes. that should be fun :)
Atl lg: long as you found it amusing. you shouldn't ask me, you should ask the guys that put me on their "must kill" list.
Flounder: it is a rather shitty thing to say huh? i pretty much knew what he was referncing, and considering his age, i'd say he was rather open minded about it.
Aliecat: don't ask me! i figure once you see a baby's had come jamming out of a vagina, you're pretty immune to everything else that could go down there.
Vlad: switch doctors? and give up the most hilarious moments of my embarassing sexless state? you jest!!
dude, i say some pretty shitty things to people, but yer doc sounds like a fuckhead. especially when referencing the tightness of yer cooch. kinda creepy.
so did you hear about that great white?
big monster, they say ...
killed a surfer ...
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