Thursday, October 26, 2006

side by side dead and broken, our hearts aren't the same since mine went broken. it's a deep dark secret that we cut off the hands we used to hold.

1. i never in my life thought i would be praying so adamantly for daylight savings to come...but waking up at six in the morning fucking sucks, and it sucks that much worth when it's pitch black out for roughly another two and a half hours. it's impossible for me to wake up when there's no sunshine or semblance of day...and it doesn't matter how much caffine i drink, or sleep i get. i'm a zombie until i see sunshine, or a less dark shade of gray.

2. who's bright idea was it to do construction on the sidewalk, which happens to be on the side of the road that isn't blocked off from any sort of non-construction-worker human contact, such that the only way to walk around the construction, it to literally walk in the middle of the east bound lane of traffic? i almost want to get hit, so i can just sue the fuck out of the ass clowns who are deciding where construction occurs. as if it wasn't bad enough that an entire side of the street is closed, and every cross section from e. 12th to e40th is blocked off, now, the sidewalk i use to make the four block trek, which used to be simply walking across the street before construction, has a rather good portion blocked off...and i get to play chicken with traffic to get to class on time. really. i'm going to go absolutely postal soon.

3. i took an online quiz about what my dating persona is. my results are:

"You take love as opportunities come, which can lead to a high-anxiety, but high-flying romantic life. You're a genuinely sweet person, not saccharine at all, so it's likely that the relationships you have had and will have will be happy ones. You've had a fair amount of love experience for your age, and there'll be much more to come. Part of why we know this is that, of all female types, you are the most prone to sudden, ferocious crushes. Your results indicate that you're especially capable of obsessing over a guy you just met. Obviously, passion like this makes for an intense existence. It can also make for soul-destroying letdowns. Your ideal match is someone who'll love you back with equal fire, and someone you've grown to love slowly. A self-involved or pessimistic man is especially bad. Though you're drawn to them, avoid artists at all costs."
uhm. fine..i concdede that i'm a fairly sweet person...but what love experience are they talking about?! two long term relationships does not love experience make. and i don't obsess...especially compared to the insanity of most women with regard to love prospects, and i've never even really had a crush on a guy. it's against my nature to sit and pine over some dude, unless i'm actually seeing him and have been for a while. o-well. see what it says about you...and hopefully it won't be fairly dead wrong.

4. i'm such a rebel. oh yes! my professor asked to talk to me after class...why, you may ask? is it because you're a total slacker, you ask? is it because you hardly pay attention in class, you ask? is it because you sit and have online conversations or do other work during class, you ask? nope. it's because i've missed five classes this semester. that's right! since classes started in mid august, i've not shown up to this particular class five times...and that makes me a horrible, horrible human being, and thus i was warned so as to eschew future conduct that would be none other than my absence. i love graudate definately has all the appeal if kindergarten.

5. i know i promised boobies, but i'm going to break that promise (in a sense, i think one of the pics has tits showing decently well), and instead give you some photo's of my wee little trip. i'm a horrible horrible human being, as i explained hey, a broken promise is just a part of how i roll.

barbs lounging on michigan ave...and me hiding myself from the camera. then, we have jax looking all sweet and cute...because she is....and me looking all pissy and shitty...because i am.

me, barbs, jax, teresa, and tina at the 33rd floor bar at the w hotel. the entire bar was a sausage fest, but don't get too excited...they were all from los angeles, and none of them were attractive. how that happens? no idea. you'd think in a room full of guys there would at least be one attractive guy..but alas, nay nay. and then next to that we have barbs, me, and jax at the bar called "funk"...where i worked my awesome shmoozing abilities to get a lot of free alcohol....

what could possibly be the most hideous sunglasses known to man, as modeled teresa looking all super fly in what could be hideous sunglasses, but actually look good on her. following that we have teresa and i at the "funk" bar. and for anyone asking, yes i always do have gum in my mouth. looking all flubby and rocking out. i spent the night sitting on the bar, seeing as i don't dance. that's how i roll.


Anonymous said...

rock on hunny-bunny!

flounder said...

I would have been sitting right next to you because Flounder don't dance.


KJ said...

Great pics.......and you rock the hideous sunglasses.

I love the outfit with you sitting on the bar.

Happy Thursday

ATLLG said...

Hey thanks for the pics!

I'm a LifeGuard I can sit and watch ALL DAY or I can get in the middle of the action. Just depends on the situation.

Lov'n the black ensemble.

You should smile more, you have a great smile.

ATLLG said...

But on second thought I'm really into the "pissy and shitty" look!

RobynB said...

Great pics! You're gorgeous in the black!

Natalia said...

OHHHH pictures! Loads of pictures.

*Picture Snoopydance*

Love them...seriously.



da buttah said...

Anonymous: who the fuck are you?

Flounder: e dances, in the privacy of her own apartment or when she's so completely drunk she might as well be passed out next to a toilet.

Kristen: thank you :) i rock the black....well, no. all i wear is black. downfall of changing hair colors too often.

Atl: i used to lifeguard. it was super fun...and to this day i have no idea how anyone could have trusted me to save some little shits life, but hey...they paid me :) and, i'm not a pissy person...i just hate camera's [and shopping].

Dereck: last thing those girls needed was more alcohol.

Robynb: thank you :)

Vlad: i will disprove you one day. i will.

Nat: yes, loads of pictures. revel! for i don't do many pictures haha

Scumbag said...

take it off!

flounder said...

e, you'd make a great lifeguard. You have built-in personal floatation devices.

Anonymous said...

niggers are so cool

Anonymous said...

You are a fat HO

Anonymous said...

fuck you anonymous above. don't talk shit about hunny bunny!

-the real anonymous

GalacticallyStupid said...

an incredible likeness to lainie kazan...and those titties...mmmmmmmm...

white_devil said...

what the fuck is on your homepage?

Appears to be an afro-puff negro...

Call me.