Sunday, October 29, 2006

show me where the door is 'cause i'm failing to see. watch me bleed out. i'm the worst at knowing when my curtain's been called. obnoxious is the new template? oh yes...courtesy of one too many bong hits, insomnia induced delirium, and vacuuming intermittently throughout the day due to my dog having a case of the fleas.

second, for some reason my site gets submitted to various review sites and i'm thinking i know who the culprit is [*cough* e *cough*], and, per usual. i didn't get a good review. my blog got frogged, and apparently i try too hard, i write for an audience, i fail at being a bitch, and the fact i use the word "bitch" in my self description automatically makes me completely unworthy of readers. there are characteristics the word "bitch" evokes, unbeknownst to me, and none of them carry the general overtone of "i just don't give a fuck" and "facetious" which i seem to consider the essence of my bitch vibe. perhaps it is really that unbelievable that i'm the same in person as i appear to be on this bloggy blog, but for what it's worth...the powers that be think i fucking suck. oh..and they obviously can't discern the difference between "bitch" and "bitchy."

third, for two weekends now i've gotten people more drunk than they are used to. i'm thinking this is bad thing, no? i should be banned from giving people with little to no tolerance any alcohol. this weekends victim was the infamous gay neighbor, who per my suggestions went to the bar to meet gay bartender, and stupidly drank everything that gay bartender put in front of him. needless to say, i've found something light years more annoying and pathetic than the typical hungover female, and the snivveling sneezing male....and it's called the homosexual dude with his head in my toilet all night.

homeboy was so drunk that he couldn't even get into his own apartment, but he wasn't drunk enough to make it overtly known that he wasn't sleeping on the couch where the dog sleeps. mr homosexualist spent the night in my room, in my bed, hugging my toilet...and i woke up from sleeping on the couch, only to feel guilty as fuck and immediately proceed to making him some breakfast. either i'm a shitty mother fuckin' cook, or he was still hungover at ten this morning, because about an hour after he ate the pancakes, crepes, and eggs i made him....his head was back in my toilet for a few hours. and then? then he slept in my bed until about six this evening.

i've never heard someone bitch and moan and whine as much as him while he had his head in the toilet. honestly? it cracked me the fuck up.

anyway, i don't want to seem like i'm trying too hard too hard to be bitchy, and like i'm simply writing to appeal to an, i'm gonna wonder when the end of the world is going to occur because, believe it or not the browns just beat the jets.


Daniel said...

Dude, don't you know that critics don't know jack? I know: I'm a critic (ah, awesome paradox there). But seriously forks, anonymous critics aren't really given clout in the 'biz. Besides, who critiques a blog?
And why are you submitting your work to these hacks? Nothing is ever good enough, bright enough, dark enough, loud enough, quiet enough.

flounder said...

The Jets got screwed! Baker would have landed in bounds to tie the game and they should have reviewed it!

BTW - It is kind of sad that the only man you have had in your bed in last year or so was a drunken homosexual.

Natalia said...

MY EYES HURT! I cannot see!!! Gahhhh.

Anyway...I think you write from the heart and the head and you aren't trying to pretend to be anything you are not.

I am not one to care what people say anyway. So screw them :)


da buttah said...

Hedge: i didn't do it! i only submitted to the bitches at italk2much once, and ask and ye shall recieve. the second time at italk2much and this one i have no clue how i got submitted, other than my friend did it. that bastard. i'm kicking his ass on thanksgiving. and should i be offended by the word hack? =P

Flounder: i'm still in shock over it. i was sitting there freezing my ass off, expecting a horrible show by the browns and a victory for my home state, and yet? other way around. it's a less for me. don't go to games. when i went to see my beloved yankees play the indians the indians worked the yanks 18-1...and now the jets just lost. i'm banning myself from ever going to a pats game now.

and thanks, i know my life is pathetic...but does he count as a guy if he is more effiminate than most women i know?

Nat: haha is it that bad? alright, i'll change it tonight :)

definately not trying to be something i'm not, but i can see how it seems like i try "too hard" based upon the way i write. i do find the blogs these review sites love humerous, because aside from the fact i would never ever even read them, the templates are boring and the content is very bleh. pehraps the reviewers are just too old. tee hee!

ATLLG said...

DB..when I first saw the template I was like WOW... but hey I AM old and easily impressed...feel for ya with the fleas...two dogs, three cats and two lizards and I'm the only one the blood suckers attach their asses onto.

I hate drunk whiners.. I would helped him into his place enough to pass out and yack all over his own floor..hmmm wait IF it had been me and she was a Hot Lesbian I MIGHT have done the same thing...NOT. ( Hell I still got 1/4 Keg from my weekend fun )

Regarding the "critics" I sing ( I may be old but not dead )

"I'm like fuck critics you can kiss my whole asshole"

Anonymous said...

The templates not that bad, but it pushes your content down because you have some larger pictures up top. But, what do I know, this is my first time coming here.

How can someone critique a blog you aren't getting paid for? What ever...keep rockin' out with your cock out...that's what I always say.

flounder said...

I'll be at the Jets - Pats game on 11/12. One perk of my job is that we get to cover NFL games periodically, so I will also be getting paid to go.

Oh hells yeah!

othercat said...

Poor guy talking to ralph on the big white phone. After many bouts of alcoholic excess, I realize I have no right to complain if my head hurts or I can't keep food in my stomach. If you're silly enough to do the same, then you shouldn't complain about the after effects. I wouldn't blame myself for anyone elses indiscretion.

Anonymous said...

If there was ever an award for SCREAMING fuckin' templates, you'd win hands down.

This one however, is pretty clean and vivid. Great choice :)

tjayswift said...

Holy shit- you cook breakfast?

Count on me to come on up to NorOh and break you off anytime you deem it necessary. ;)

Sharon said...

This template is so cool. I love it. It has total attitude.