Tuesday, September 19, 2006

there's nothing in this world i need you to do. just hold me in your arms. there are dark clouds gathering. oh, please won't you take me home?

i had another post written out, but it can wait.

if you've read this blog more than twice then it's more than obvious i am far from a lover of people, but i'm a die-hard animal lover.

in a way i can understand people being cruel to other people. people have a voice, they can protest, they can voice their disdain, feelings, emotions, thoughts...they may choose not to, but they have the ability to communicate. i'm not saying that when someone sodomizes a child it's justified, or that i'm okay with it...i think it's disgusting and i think public excution should be brought back for those kinds of situations...but, there's an ounce of guilt that goes along with it because the person hears the objections, hears the screams, sees the face of the victim...there's association there.

that's not true with animals.

you throw a dog into a wall, it whimpers and walks off. you strike a dog, and it cowers in fear. but despite that initial reaction, the dog still loves you unconditionally. you are it's world. the same goes for cats. yes, cats are fairly unattached, but they still know who their owner is, and they still love them. there's a reason why my cat runs off and hides when someone comes into my apartment, but runs up and flops on her back for a belly rub when i walk in. somehow she knows it's me. and for as independent and unattached as cats are claimed to be, she still sits on my lap whenever she can, demands on sleeping not just with me but curled up on top of me, and she will run across the room just to rub up against my hand when i put it out and call her name.

animals don't really ask for anything. it really is the most unadulterated example of unconditional love. all you have to do is exist, and somehow they take care of the rest. they forgive you for things simply because you came back or because you gave them a treat...and somehow people can take advantage of such a devotion and abuse the animal.

i used to work at a humane society in high school and it was incredible what people would do to animals. outside of parents bringing pets they got for their children because the children wouldnt' take care of the pet--which is the most retarded reason i've yet to hear for bringing an animal to the shelter--we had more abused animals than i think anyone could fathom. we had dogs that were whipped, dogs that had electric shock collars literally burned into their skin, dogs that were beaten with hot cattle prods, cats there were run over by their own owner, cats that were declawed by their owners and left to die outside, rabbits that were in such disgusting conditions that it the rabbit had to be shaved to get rid of all the parasites and mites.

one dog that i convinced my family to foster was a doberman named fred. he was thrown into a barbed wire fence by his owner and snapped his neck. he had to wear a neck brace for over a year, he had to have his spine surgically reset. the procedures cost nearly ten thousand dollars, and thank god my parents helped the shelter pay for things. but, even after all that no one knew if he would really live to see the next day. thankfully he did, and despite all odds he could walk...even though he didn't have very much control over his back paws and was prone to falling.

i found my own cat in a sealed box outside in the rain. she was wet, covered in dirt, and so skinny you could count every single one of her ribs, and vertebrae.

it's heartbreaking. it's even more heartbreaking to walk in and see that one of the animals is missing because no one would adopt them and had to be euthanized. fred was adopted by a friend of mine and is still alive, despite all odds, and thanks to some physical therapy and exercises he doesn't fall as much. he still remembers me, my mom, and my dad...and every time i see him he just has this look of "thank you" in his eyes when i give him a huge and a kiss.

lulu, in her own way, says thank you everyday for effectively saving her from starving to death. even sofie, who has never really had to deal with anything but being spoiled her entire life, seems greatful for me doing nothing more than what i'm supposed to do: giving her a loving home. people say i spoil the shit out of my girls, i say i give them exactly what they give me--happiness.

so, i don't get it. for the life of me i can't understand what possess someone to take advantage of a creature that wants nothing more than to love you, and be loved.

i freak out and am almost in tears when i drop my dog off at the kennel prior to a vacation and see the look on her face, and i was depressed as fuck the week after i got my cat declawed because she was so visibly miserable it made me miserable. i can't even fathom actually inflicting pain on my dog or cat [yes, declawing is arguably inhumane, but she was a kitten and when it's between having a home or having claws, i'm thinking she would even agree that home is the better option.]

how can you knowingly hurt them? how can you look into their eyes that scream "you are my everything" and violate the unfounded yet given bonds of trust and love that radiates from each and every glance that falls on you? how can you do it repeatedly?

what brought this entire rant on? while picking up treats and food for my kids, there was an adoption drive outside of petsmart, and one of the dogs was at his last chance. this was the last month he had to get adopted, and if not....well, lets hope all dogs go to heaven. i was reading his little bio, and he's had three homes in the past two years--home number one brought him in for the inexcusable reason that the kids wouldn't take care of him; home number two would discipline him with a crowbar; home number three left him on a ten foot leash outside with a water dish and a food bowl...the police were called in not because leaving a dog outside all year round without food or water, let alone without food or water while attached to a tree, is borderline torture but because his "brother" died of dehydration this summer and off to the shelter he went...again.

he won't ever get adopted, and it's because right in his bio is one simple line that dooms him more than his age ever would: "is aggressive with strangers." can you blame him? children who are abused grow up to be aggressive adults...so how can you fault a dog that was beaten with a fucking crowbar for being a little leary of people he doesn't know?

the dog i had growing up was abused, and we were his third home...and we never once had an issue with him. never. not once did he ever growl at anyone in my family, try to bite anyone in my family, or do anything that would be considered aggressive. from day one he was a pussy cat with us. he knew we were his new family, and he knew we weren't going to hurt him...his only downfall was that he hated everyone else until the fourth or fifth time they were in the house.

but people don't see that. they don't see the potential for an awesome and loyal pet that would seriously protect them to its death. they see "aggressive" and move on.

it's not fair. it's not his fault...it's not their fault. one shitty family, and then off to the shelter you go where you're on a timeline to get adopted, otherwise it's off to the backroom.

it really does break my heart...and someday, i'll be able to do more than donate time and money.



Ryan G. said...

Well, Ill still beat my monkey.

Natalia said...

ROTFL @ Ryan...but this is not a funny matter.

I so feel you. One of the most teary posts I wrote was when I wached all those animal cruelty videos. OMG...I wanted to crawl out of my skin. It was quite horrid.

I often wish I could do more as well. It pisses me off that people are bad o people but it devastates me when people are bad to animals.

I also wish we could all be a bit more like animals. A little less memory about the bad things and a but more wagging of the tail.



Sharon said...

Good post. All our cats were gotten when they were abadoned as newborn kittens. We never had to go to the shelter because we always knew when one of them went over the rainbow bridge (due to old age or disease), another one was coming.

Also, I just loved having a stranger wary neurotic dog.

Your baby girls are so cute!

I think there is a special place in hell for those who are cruel to animals. Even if they are cruel due to not having brain cells and taking their kids animals. I think they will pay!

KJ said...

Very good post Buttah....

Have you ever watched that Emergency Animal rescue show on Animal Planet......breaks my heart to see what some people do to animals

DZER said...

I think that there need to be stricter licensing standards for pet ownership ... if you need a license to catch a damn fish from the wild that you're going to eat, shouldn't you HAVE to have a license before you own a pet?

My family always had dogs and cats when I was growing up -- hell, even when I was grown up -- and we learned to treat pets right and not mistreat them. It disgusts me to see how some people treat their animals ... *sigh*

When you get to that stage you want to be at ... gimme a call and I'll see what I can do to help.

Anonymous said...

Why do people beat their kids? or wives? It's a control thing. Those people shouldn't be allowed to own animals. But, people who should know better still make horrible decisions. I used to spend hours trying to talk people out of buying Burmese and Reticulated Pythons due to their size but people would still buy them thinking that a zoo would take them when they got to big...yeah right. Half the time, they ended up killing the snakes when they got big or calling me or one of the other rescues to come get it because it was to much to handle now. When it comes to making the right choices...many pet owners are idiots.

Braindead Betty said...

Our dog came from the humane society, and it was pretty apparent that she had been abused by her previous owners. She was very hand-shy, terrified of loud or fast movements, and cowered when we tried to get her to sit on the couch. When I look at the dog she is now, 3 years later, it's amazing how much she's changed. The best part about it though (in my opinion) is the fact that she's our toddler's staunchest defender. It's so sad that more of these animals don't get a second or a third chance.

Anonymous said...

My mother rescues dogs...she has seven right now. And sadly, that doesn't even make a dent. We do what we can.

I have four dogs, the last two were rescued. I don't think I will ever buy a dog again. Not when you can get a perfectly good friend at the humane society.

Everything Nice said...

Alright, I have to say that I too love animals.. I have a dog and a cat... and two kids that are animals in their own right.

Only, I don't beat them... No really, I don't.

They say people who love animals live longer and happier lives... can you imagine, if you never had pets or a love for animals at all, what a tremendous stressed out bitch you'd be?

I'd be scared... like, really.

Editor Shawn keeps a gerbil in his back pack... just thought you should know.

Scumbag said...

i knew some guys that set a live yorkie on fire and taped it. i think it made national news. it was about 9 or 10 years ago. i think they went to prison for a bit.

oh, and pbc once bit the head off a cardinal he shot with a pellet gun. but i'm sure that suprises no one.

Adrienne said...

Well said sista! I totally agree. People who are abusive and neglectful of animals need to be hung! There is no excuse for it.

da buttah said...

Ryan G: it's okay. i hate monkeys. they're fuckers.

Natalia: it would be nice if people had a little less shittiness surrounding them. i'll always be wagging my tail for you, though :)

Sharon: i'm kind of hoping they go somewhere other than hell, because i'm not sure i could handle being around those kinds of people all the time. and i do love my little ones, they make my little heart pitter patter with happiness :)

Pyro: it is sick. i think it should have way heavier penalties than it does today. i may not have room for my pooch to room, seeing as i live in an apartment, but i pretty much barely get by financially just so i have enough allotted money to take her to day care so she can run around.

Kristen: or the animal rescue? i'm usually in tears after those shows...not always bad tears, sometimes i'm so happy things work out for the dog i cry. strange? yea, i know i am.

Dzer: licensing isn't required. my dog doesn't have a license. why pay $30 a month if i don't have to? i think there should be heavier penalties. mandatory jail time, disgustingly large fines, felony status.

Chris: but i think it's almost worst to abuse an animal than to abuse a kid. i don't understand why people get pythons, actually. i mean i adore snakes and i had little ones as a kid, but pythons get huge, and uhmm yea...the suffocate you.

BraindeadBetty: i loved fostering pets because you can see them change and it's awesome. shelter pets are always the best pets :)

da buttah said...

MPLS: eh, i'm not good people. i just like animals more than people.

Sotto: i plan on doign fostering again when i get a house (if i ever get a house). for now i stick to volunteering, and spoiling my cat and dog like a mad woman.

Em: you mean i can be more of a bitch than i am now? wow. is that possible? and shawn's gerbil probably expired.

Shane: that's fucking sick. not the pbc thing, the yorkie thing. poor puppy.

da buttah said...

Adrienne: i couldn't agree more :)

Anonymous said...

BTW...not all Pythons get huge. Ball Pythons don't get much bigger than a corn snake and all the Pythons in the Genus Antaresia (Spotted, Cape York and Anthill) all stay really small. The Anthill Python being the smallest at only about 20" long full grown. That's about the same size as an american garter snake. Just so you know...since most people think like you do...that all pythons are HUGE.

Michael said...

When I was in undergrad, a bunch of my friends and I adopted an abused dog from a shelter. Kahlua was a huge Rottweiler that weighed 160lbs. She was one of the best dogs ever. She was so grateful that we treated her nice that she became our "protector". One time, one of our lesser-liked friends started shit with me. He went to take a swing at me and she pounced on him. I can't fathom how people could be cruel to animals.

ThatGuy said...

People need to treat pets like part of the family. Spoil away and encourage others to do the same.

da buttah said...

Chris: but don't most people want the python that gets huge? i mean a little foot python isn't really going to make your testicles seem more fantastic than your friends.

Michael: people are fuckers. the end.

ThatGuy: need to? but they are part of the family. how can they not be?

Johnny Menace said...

now when you say "people" are you including the poor and or chinesse?.. because lets face it.. neither one count as "people"