Thursday, September 14, 2006

ask me why i try to find strength in the people who never thought about a different way of life. i wouldn't know what to say-it doesn't seem that easy

so i've felt pretty assy since saturday constantly nauseated, weak as shit, fatigued...and of course during the day all i want to do is curl up into a ball and sleep but i don't really have the time to do that. so...i rush through everything so i can be in bed at a reasonable before 3am...and of course, as my weary little head hits the pillows my eyelids, which previously felt like five tons of bullshit everytime i tried to open them, have decided to vacation in my fucking head. yup. i'm wide awake. so on top of feeling like shit, i haven't slept for shit this entire week..and that's saying a lot since a good nights sleep to me is about three continuous hours. and why have i felt like shit? ohhhh ye mighty ovaries! i passed week long migraine and went straight to collecting nausea, muscle aches, and fatigue...YAY!! of course, working out probably didn't help the fatigue...but whatever. i'd rather have a migraine than feel like i'm going to faint intermittently throughout the day. friday night i anticipate a hot and steamy date with my ambien pill. how's that for excitement?

and if things look like shit on the template front...sorry, umm..well..again. i'll work on it while i wait for the ambien to sweep me off my telling me about any problems would fucking ROCK like no other. and if anything the new template has made me realize how fucking verbose i, i'll try to cut back on how much i blabber..promise!

anyway, onto requisite bullshit fluff for this lovely thursday:

i understand we are living in a material world and everyone is a material mother fucker. i even understand that electronics are the pinnacle of materiality, and showing off how much random gear you have is up there with making sure everyone knows you're wearing some designer because the designers name is on every fucking square inch of your shirt/handbag/pants/sunglasses and in the most fucking obnoxious way possible (we've all seen those sunglasses with d&g in bright pink gems on the side..and don't get me started on louis vuitton purses and how ridiculous it is that every one of them has LV all ov erthem).

but, there's a point where showing off all your awesome electronics gets to be fucking retarded in a way that being a walking billboard for some designer will never be. while a walking billboard is pretty repulsive in its own right, wearing a shit ton of designer clothes isn't impractical (and no! i'm not just saying that because i'm a designer label whore because i wear the plainest clothing imaginable)...but walking around with a shitload of electronics is.

cue the douchebag of the week: he's walking with his ipod in one hand, his cell phone in the other hand, headphones in both ears, and a bluetooth ear piece in on
e ear. how he managed that, i have no idea..because i know my own bluetooth headset wouldn't stay put if i had something else in my ears, but that's besides the point! i understand it's awesome to be connected..but sometimes you have to compromise...and compromise, like variety, is a fucking awesome spice of life! it's either your headphones, or your bluetooth. it's either you listen to your ipod, or you talk on the phone...because apparently both are impossible. so, while onlookers are in awe of your mighty electronic selection, they--and by they i mean me-- also think you're an utter douchebag for sititng there with your headphones in and your ipod working while you try to talk on your phone via the bluetooth headset and keep saying "what? i can't hear you" at hight volumes while in an educational setting. hell, if i saw you walking down the street with that set-up you'd still be douchebag of the week. so props!! wear it loud! wear it proud!

alright, i know it's hnt...and i know i owe y'all some titties or something that's at least kind of sexual in nature...which is hard 'cause this is me here people...but, as i started out with..i feel like ass, and i also went to go get my snowboard "tuned"-up and i got some spanking new bindings...and just seeing my board in its awesome orange-maroon glory got me super stoked for winter! and what better way to get ready for winter than by wearing a beanie with teddy bear ears virtually all day?

bring on the fucking snow!! i'm so ready! and no! i'm not naked...i may be ready for winter but it's muggy as shit outside and i'm not about to trade in my tube tops for a sweatshirt...yet.


good'n'very plenty said...

I can get that hat off your head in about ten minutes. Remember when you caught some air and instead of going with the flow you freaked out and slammed on your back? Remember how that hat whent flying off your head, along with your goggles, while you sat there in a daze for ten minutes?


Anonymous said...

Ipods suck... Though I have to walk around with my cellphone, a company cellphone AND a company pager (yep, pagers still exist). With that I feel like a total moron most of the time but that's how you can tell an I.T. guy...he's the one with all the crap so people can call him at all hours to fix stuff. Love the hat...hate the cold and snow though.

flounder said...

I have owned an ipod for over a year and I am yet to load a single song onto it.

That's right, I have no clue how to use it.

da buttah said...

Derek: haha thank you :)

GNVP: suck it, trebec.

Chris: i love my ipod..but i only use it in my car, at the gym, or while i'm at the airport/travelling. i really don't see the point of walking around with it...i love music something fierce, but i can forgo listening to it while i grocery shop.

Flounder: it's easy! download itunes if you don't have it, and connect. want me to come over and show you?!

MJ: eh, i see the appeal to them...then again i have one. but the main reason i have one is so i can lay in bed, or do whatever i want while someone is blabbing in my ear. i have the perk of long while i don't look like some cancerous blinking growth is coming out of my head, i look like i'm totally talking to myself. wild gesticulation and all :)

Anonymous said...

Sassy sassy sassy.

Scumbag said...

show butthole.

da buttah said...

Tax Dork: get to my homework, biatch! tee hee

Shane: after you, my love.

Anonymous said...

Elle- LOVE the new look of the place, it's fantastic. Don't look to forward to winter, remember this is Cleveland we ar talking about. Hope you feel better.....BRian

DZER said...

lookee! ya's got the ka-yute earsies!!

umm ... when to the tits come back? lol

KJ said...

You rock the hat.

Braindead Betty said...

I love the hat!

Hope you feel better, and get a good night's sleep, soon.

da buttah said...

Vlad: are you the one who always calls me from verizon? :)

Brian: if this year is like last year then winter will be all of three months anyway...and that's just swell :) long as they fucking plow downtown this year!

Dzer: hopefully next week the titties will make an appearance. least i know why you come over this way now =P

Kristen: like a rhinestone cowboy.

Braindead: sleep is overrated :)

yournamehere said...

That's a cute hnt. I like it.

I deplore stealing, but the electronics guy needs to be mugged. Some people need something slightly bad to happen to them so they stop being assholes.

da buttah said...

Vlad: i like that "yet" at the end :)

YNH: who's going to steal it from him? a fellow law student? highly unlikely. can i forgo the stealing and just go straight to the kicking the shit out of him part?

Ryan G. said...
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Natalia said...

OMG that is the cutest pic ever. And it's nice yo see you smile, actually :)

And those people who are all super tech and love to make a big show of it make me as sick as you described earlier :)

Feel better darling...and I hope you can get some decent sleep.


kitty kat said...
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da buttah said...

Ryan: i don't understand people who pick up their cell phone all the goddamn time. why pick up if you're in a movie, just to say you're in a movie and you can't talk?

Nat: thanks to the lovely disgusting weather in which it's darker now than when i got home last night, i'm well rested. even sofie was out until 11am :)

Faltenin said...

I bet you hid your own bluetooth headset in those bear ears...
